Proceed as follows to add a new position to the portfolio variant:
Select the "Buy" icon in the toolbar. Or simply drag the bond of your choice from the Explorer into the portfolio view.
Enter your data in the "Purchase transaction" dialog box that appears.
Then confirm your entries with "OK". The purchased bond now appears in the portfolio view.
In detail, the "Purchase transaction" dialog box contains the following elements:
Enter the security to be entered here or search for it using the object search via the "Search" magnifying glass icon.
Nominal value
Enter the nominal value of the items to be recorded here.
Enter the purchase price here. The most recent price is shown.
Accrued interest
Enter the accrued interest on the purchase here; this field is also filled automatically after selecting a bond.
Dev. course
The current exchange rate is shown here.
Total cashinvest
If you have selected a security, use this button to calculate the maximum possible nominal value with the current account balance.
Making out
The account balance is reduced by this amount when the transaction is confirmed with the current settings. The field is automatically updated when changes are made.
Current (cash) account balance before the transaction.
Account new
New (cash) account balance when the transaction is confirmed with the current settings.
Select this button to record the transaction with the current settings.
Use this button to close the "Purchase transaction" dialog box without the changes taking effect.
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