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Move portfolio

Proceed as follows to move a portfolio to another owner:

  1. Select the command INHOLDER, CONFIGURE PORTFOLIOS in the context menu of the (previous) holder.
    Or alternatively select the command PORTFOLIO, CONFIGURE PORTFOLIOS in the context menu of the portfolio.
  2. Then select the portfolio to be moved in the "Configure portfolio" dialog box that appears.
  3. Select the MOVE PORTFOLIO command in the context menu of this portfolio.

    First resolve any conflicts listed in order to achieve the expected result when moving the portfolio. If accounts are in several portfolios or if standard settlement accounts are outside portfolios, it is not possible to move them. A message window appears for the other conflicts.

    When moving portfolios, you can only select holders who are in the same zone as the portfolio. If necessary, first move the desired new owner to the same zone as the portfolio.

  4. Search for the new owner in the object search that appears and select it in the search result by double-clicking.
    A message window informs you that the move will only be carried out if you also close the "Configure portfolios" dialog box with "OK".
  5. Close the message window with "OK".
  6. Finally, close the "Configure portfolios" dialog box with "OK".
  7. The portfolio is assigned to the new holder and disappears from the previous holder.
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