Abbreviation | Description |
.. | Savings banks - IHS |
AAM | Melbourne |
AAP | Perth |
AAS | Sydney |
ABA | Morningstar (TenforeX) Average |
ABI | Abidjan |
ABL | Off-market |
ABN | ABN Amro |
ACC | Accra |
ACS | Nasdaq American St. Exc. CS |
ADB | ADB Munich |
ADE | Adelaide (ASX) |
ADI | Off-market abroad |
ADX | Sydney (ADX) |
AFE | Amsterdam Future Exchange |
AHA | AHAG Wertpapierhandelshaus AG |
AHM | Ahmedabad |
ALM | Almaty |
ALX | Alexandria |
AMA | AMEX American St. Exc. CS |
AMB | AMEX Boston Stock Exchange CS |
AMC | AMEX Chicago Stock Exchange CS |
AMH | AMEX Philadelphia St. Exc. CS |
AMI | AMEX Cincinnati St. Exc. CS |
AMM | US metal trade |
AMN | AMEX Nasdaq Comstock |
AMP | AMEX Pacific Stock Exchange CS |
AMY | AMEX New York St. Exc. CS |
ANT | Antwerp (EBA) |
API | API US oil inventories |
APX | Amsterdam Power Exchange |
ARC | NYSE Euronext/ARCA Europe |
ASE | Athens (ASE) |
ASU | Asunción (BVPASA) |
ATD | Athens (ADEX) |
ATH | Athens |
UP | Hauck & Aufhäuser |
AUH | Sydney Futures Exchange |
AUK | Auckland (NZFOE) |
AZ | Sparkasse Aachen, Foreign exchange general |
BAF | EnergyAnalyser (2) |
BAH | Bahrain Stock Exchange |
BAK | Baku (BBVB) |
BAN | Bangkok |
BAR | Barclays Capital |
BBA | British Bankers Association |
BBD | St. Michael |
BCB | Banco Central do Brasil |
BCS | Nasdaq Boston St. Exc. CS |
BCZ | Barclays Capital Certificates |
AT | Beirut |
BEK | Berner Kantonalbank OTC |
BEO | Belgrade |
SFOE | EnergyAnalyser (3) |
BFO | |
BFS | Federal Statistical Office |
GERMAN CIVIL CODE | Bankgesellschaft Berlin |
BGL | Bangalore |
BHF | BHF-Bank |
BHO | Belo Horizonte |
BHU | Bhubaneswar |
BIO | Bunge indices |
BKK | Bishkek |
SU | Bavarian State Bank |
BLO | Brussels OTC (MIFID) trades |
BNP | BNP Paribas |
BOC | Bank of China FX |
BOM | Bombay |
BOS | Boston |
BPL | BondPartners Lausanne |
BPR | iBoxx indices |
FRG | Baroda |
BRE | Bremen cotton market |
BRI | Brisbane (ASX) |
BSE | vwd: BSE |
BST | Stuttgart Stock Exchange Comstock |
BSX | Hamilton |
BUB | German Bundesbank |
BUD | Budapest Stock Exchange |
BUO | Budapest OTC |
BVB | HypoVereinsbank - Coins |
BVX | HypoVereinsbank - Foreign exchange rates |
BXX | BOXX Fixed Income |
CAL | Calgary, Alberta |
CAP | Capitalbank |
CAS | Casablanca |
CBC | CB Composite |
CBF | Commerzbank Frankfurt |
CBL | Commerzbank London |
CBM | Commerzbank coins |
CBO | CBOT Chicago Board of Trade |
CBT | CBOT EUREX Electronic Trading |
CBX | CBOE Indices |
CCO | Cortal Consors |
CCT | Calcutta |
CDN | Canadian Dealing Network |
CEC | CEC Commodities Ex. Center NY |
CEN | Centro Bank |
CHF | Foreign Exchange Rates |
CHI | Chi-X Europe Ltd |
CHI | Chicago |
CIN | Cincinnati |
CIT | Citibank, Frankfurt |
CIX | Citibank, Worldwide |
CLI | Cali |
CLL | Clariden Leu |
CMC | CM Composite |
CME | CME Chicago Mercantile Ex(IMM) |
CMG | CME Global Futures |
CMI | former location of CME Futures |
CML | Chicago Mercantile Globex |
CMM | CME E-Mini Futures |
CNB | Czech National Bank |
COB | Bogota |
COC | Cochin |
COF | Commerzbank FAZ |
COI | Coimbatore |
COM | COMEX Electronic Trading |
COR | Córdoba |
COT | Canadian OTC |
CRR | Cross rate |
CS | Credit Suisse Zurich |
COD | Credit Suisse Banknotes |
CSC | New York (CSCE) |
CST | CS/Tremont indices |
CSX | George Town |
CSZ | Credit Suisse interest conditions |
CTT | Chittagong |
CUR | Curitiba |
CVX | Canadian Venture Exchange |
CXM | Kuala Lumpur (COMMEX Malaysia) |
DAI | Foreign investm. |
DAR | Dar es Salaam |
DAU | Foreign direct business |
DBB | Deutsche Bank highway bond |
DBF | Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt |
DBK | Deutsche Bank, coins and foreign currency |
DBM | German Bk. Precious metals and coins |
DBR | German Stock exchange iBoxx indices |
DEG | Precious metals |
DEK | Dekabank - Foreign exchange |
DET | German Stock Exchange Xetra Indices |
DEX | DE1-3 Contributing DE |
DFM | Dubai |
DFX | Deutsche Bank Foreign Exchange |
DGZ | DGZ Frankfurt |
DHA | Dhaka |
DIA | Off-market domestic |
DIF | Fixed-price business |
DII | Domestic investment company |
DIR | Domestic direct business |
DIX | Nasdaq Dubai |
DJ | Dow Jones Indexes |
DJC | Dow Jones Indices Comstock |
DJI | Dow Jones Indices Comstock |
DMB | German Metals |
DOE | DOE US oil inventories |
DOH | Doha |
DON | Danube water levels |
DRE | Dresdner Bank, Frankfurt |
DRG | Money market rates Dreba |
DSM | DSMP - German electricity market pr |
DTB | Eurex, Indices |
DTI | German EUREX stock exchange Indices |
DTM | German metal market |
DTX | Eurex, Derivatives |
DVB | DVB Bank |
DWD | German Weather Service |
DZI | DZ BANK International |
DZL | DZ BANK International Luxem. |
EAT | Vienna Stock Exchange |
SAB | Vienna |
EAX | Fund trading Kontrollbank ÖKB |
EBB | Brussels |
EBS | Fides: Geneva Zurich Basel |
ECC | Nicosia |
ECE | European Climate Exchange |
ECP | Prague |
ED | Off-market Germany |
EDB | Berlin |
EDC | Bremen |
EDD | Düsseldorf |
EDF | Frankfurt |
EDH | Hamburg |
EDI | Hanover |
EDJ | XETRA International Market |
EDL | European Director Dealings |
EDM | Munich |
EDO | German Stock Exchange MiFID OTC |
EDS | Stuttgart |
EDT | Eurex |
EDX | Fund trading vwd |
EEB | Barcelona |
EEC | Madrid Continuous Market |
EEE | XETRA electricity market |
EEM | Madrid |
EEO | Bilbao |
EES | XETRA European Stars |
EEV | Valencia |
EEX | EEX Leipzig |
EFB | Bordeaux |
EFK | Lille (Euronext) |
EFL | Lyon |
EFM | Marseille (Euronext Paris) |
EFN | Nancy (Euronext Paris) |
EFP | Paris |
EFY | Nantes (Euronext Paris) |
EHB | Budapest |
EID | Energy Information Service |
EIM | Milan |
EIR | Rome (MIF) |
EIU | Economist Intelligence Unit |
ELL | Luxembourg |
ELR | Riga |
EMT | EUREX Bonds Market depth |
ENA | Amsterdam |
EOB | Bratislava |
EON | EnergyAnalyser |
EPL | Lisbon |
EPP | Postage |
EQB | Bucharest |
ESB | Basel |
ESE | Swiss Electric Exchange |
ESE | Zurich Stock Exchange |
ESG | Geneva |
ISR | Berne |
EST | First Bank |
ESV | Vaduz |
ESZ | Swiss Stock Exchange (SWX) |
ET | Cairo Stock Exchange |
ETI | Istanbul |
EU | Europe Mortgage Service |
EUL | London |
EUO | London (Overseas) |
EUR | EUR exchange rates |
EUS | XETRA US Stars |
EUT | Liffe London - Euronext |
EVO | Evolution Markets Energy Data |
EWW | Warsaw |
EXA | EXAA indices |
EXX | Europe |
EYC | Cork |
EYD | Dublin |
ECB | Europ. Centralb. - Interest rates |
ECB | Europ. Central Bank Ref. |
E24 | eFunds.24 |
FAZ | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung |
FCS | Shenzen |
FCZ | Shenzhen |
FDJ | Jakarta |
FFS | Frankfurt Smart Trading |
FGG | Fairfield Greenwich Group |
FH | Fitch - Credit default swaps |
FHH | Hong Kong |
FIB | Mumbai |
FIC | Frankfurt Indices Comstock |
FIN | FINEX Europe (Dublin) |
FIN | Finarbit AG |
FJF | Fukuoka |
FJJ | Jasdaq |
FJK | Kyoto |
FJN | Nagoya |
FJO | Osaka |
FJP | Niigata |
FJS | Sapporo |
FJT | Tokyo |
FKP | Busan - Korea Exchange (KRX) |
FKS | Seoul |
FMH | Max Herbst |
FMK | Kuala Lumpur |
FMS | Singapore |
FND | Funds of other KAGs (obsolete) |
FOR | Fortaleza |
FPK | Makati |
FPM | Manila |
FRO | Paris OTC(MIFID) trades |
FRR | Frankfurt Rex Yields |
FRX | GTIS Premium Forex |
FSC | Colombo |
FTB | Bangkok Thailand |
FVW | Forex VWD |
FWT | Taipei |
FWW | FWW Financial Web Works |
FX | Forex |
FXB | FXdirekt Bank |
FXG | Foreign Exchange (FX Spots, Fo |
FXL | Fixing London |
FXM | Manually entered Forex data |
FXO | Fix Eastern Europe |
FXO | FX Currency Options - Global |
F5 | FirstFive |
GAB | Gaborone |
GAS | OTC gas market prices Zeebrugge |
GB | Government Bonds |
GBX | Globex |
GDE | Eurozone Gilts, Government De |
GFT | Money market FTD |
GHB | Euro money market rates HBL |
GIS | Garban Information Systems |
GMF | Foreign exchange in general |
GMM | GTIS Money Market |
GMN | NYSE - Indices |
GMS | Goldman Meyer Sachs |
GOT | Gottex |
GPI | Indices GPI |
GPM | GTIS Precious Metals |
GPR | Global Property Research |
GSS | GTIS Snapshot |
GTS | Forex data (requires ZSS) |
GUA | Guatemala City |
GUW | Guwahati |
GYQ | Guayaquil |
HBC | ICAP/HBL (20Z) |
HFR | Hedge Fund Research, Inc |
HLB | Hessische Landesbank |
HMA | Heating oil Mannheim |
HOB | Heating oil Berlin |
HOD | Heating oil Dortmund |
HOF | Heating oil Frankfurt |
HOM | Heating oil Munich |
HON | Heating oil Nuremberg |
HOS | Heating oil Stuttgart |
HSH | HSH Nordbank |
HVB | HypoVereinsbank, Munich |
HYD | Mortgages Discount |
IBE | IBoxx Consolidated Prices EUR |
ICC | Ind. and Com. Bank of China |
ICE | Intercontinental Exchange (ICE |
ICU | ICE Futures U.S. |
IDM | Milan (IDEM) |
IMM | ICAP, Germany |
IN | India / Cosy (20Z) |
IND | Internal. Indices |
IQ | Nasdaq Indices |
IRA | IR Swaps & STIRs - APME |
IRN | IR Swaps & STIRs - North Am |
IRO | IR Options - Europe + North Am |
IRS | IR Swaps & STIRs - Europe |
ISA | Intern. Softs Association |
ITA | Milan After Hours Trading |
ITM | Milan - Pensions |
ITR | iTraxx CDS indices |
IX_ | European indices |
IXU | North American indices |
JCF | FactSet |
JOA | Amman |
JPX | JPM hands down |
KAG | Fund trading market maker |
KBT | KCBOT Kansas City Board of Tra |
KEK | Cairo |
KEN | Key figures |
CLI | Carl Kliem Luxembourg |
KMD | Course maker Düsseldorf |
KOK | Coking coal (DJ-Business Newsl) |
CFE | Seoul (KSE indices) |
KSJ | Johannesburg |
KSP | Pretoria |
KTT | Tunis |
KUF | France Silver/copper |
KUI | Italy Copper / brass |
KUW | Kuwait Stock Exchange |
LAB | Buenos Aires |
LAS | Long & Black |
LAT | Madrid (Latibex) |
LBB | Brasilia |
LBD | LBBW exchange rates |
LBP | Sao Paulo |
LBR | Rio de Janeiro |
LBS | LBBW foreign exchange rates |
LBW | Landesbank Baden-Württemberg |
LC | LCE Lond Com. Ex (until 16.9.96) |
LCS | Santiago de Chile (el. Trade) |
LDN | Commodity indices |
LFI | Precious Metal London Fixing |
LFM | LIFFE manual values ICE |
LIF | Liffe London Int. Futures Ex |
LIL | La Paz |
LJM | Ljubljana Stock Exchange Level2 |
LJO | Ljubljana OTC |
LJU | Ljubljana Stock Exchange |
LME | London Metal Exchange |
LMM | London Metals Market |
LMP | Bankhaus Lampe |
LMP | London Metal Exchange Plastic |
LMS | London Metal Exchange (Select) |
LOM | London Rubber |
LPC | LPX Private Equity Indices |
LPL | Lima |
LPX | Leipzig Power Exchange |
LUM | Luxembourg Depth of market |
LVC | Caracas |
MAB | Mercado Alternativo Bursátil |
MAG | Magral AG, Munich |
MAT | Euronext MATIF |
MCW | Weather data |
MGB | MG Base Metal |
MGE | MGE Minneapolis Grain Exchange |
MGX | Minneapolis Grain Electron Tr |
MIG | Migrosbank interest conditions |
MK | MK data |
MLI | ML Fixed Income Indices |
MM | Money Market |
MMA | Money Markets - APME |
MMC | Money market Frankfurt |
MME | Money Markets - Europe |
MMN | Money Markets - North America |
MO | Moody's Ratings |
MOO | Moody's Commodity Index / DJ |
MOS | Moscow (MSE) |
MRE | Malaysian Rubber |
MS | Morgan Stanley Certificates |
MSD | Morningstar fund data |
MSE | MSCI EM indices |
MSR | Morningstar fund rating |
MST | Morgan Stanley Capital Intern. |
MUS | Muscat Securities Market |
MET | vwd: MET |
n/a | n/a |
NAA | New York AMEX |
NAD | New York Bulletin Board |
NAN | New York Nasdaq |
NAO | New York OTN |
NAY | New York NYSE |
NBB | Nasdaq: OTC Bulletin Board CS |
NBH | National Bank of Hungary |
NBI | Reserve Bank of India |
NBP | Narodowy Bank Polski |
NBS | National Bank of Slovakia |
NBT | Central Bank of Turkey |
NBU | National Bank of Ukraine |
NCA | Calgary |
NCM | Montreal |
NCS | Nasdaq Comstock |
NCT | Toronto |
NCV | Vancouver |
NDE | New Delhi |
NEF | NEWEX Frankfurt |
NF | NYFE Kum. Volumes |
NIK | Nikkei indices |
NLB | North German Landesbank |
NLO | Amsterdam OTC (MIFID) trades |
NMF | New Market - Frankfurt |
NMM | Mexico City |
NMX | New Market - XETRA |
NOM | Mercantile Exchange New York |
NOT | Nasdaq: Other OTC issues CS |
NPO | Nordpool / Source DJ Internet |
NSC | Nasdaq Small Caps Comstock |
NTB | Netbank |
NVA | National Foreign Exchange Ass. |
NYB | NYBOT New York Board of Trade |
NYC | NYMEX Clear Port |
NYM | NYMEX New York Mercant. Exch. |
NYS | NYSE Statistics |
NYT | NYMEX Electronic Trading |
NZX | New Zealand Exchange Limited |
OAK | Oaklet certificate |
OBF | Order book statistics Frankfurt |
OBU | Order book statistics US |
OBX | Order book statistics Xetra |
OED | Vienna Futures Exchange |
OEN | vwd: OENB |
OKB | Austrian Kontrollbank |
OME | Spain - OMEL electricity index (13O |
OPC | Cote Alpha (OPCVM) |
PAN | Panamá City |
PBW | Philadelphia Stock Exchange |
PCH | PostFinance CH |
PCX | PCX Los Angeles, San Francisco |
PEN | Kuala Lumpur Tin |
PET | Peters company (PCWAHL compartment) |
PH | Phillipines / Kessy (20Z) |
PHI | Philadelphia (PHLX) |
PNX | Powernext, Paris (19L) |
POB | Deutsche Postbank AG (ftp) |
POL | Energy (heating oil statistics) DJ |
PRA | KOBOS - Automatic Trades |
PRB | KOBOS Block Trades |
PRB | Product exchange / Source Peter |
PRM | KOBOS - Automatic Trades Market |
PRO | Percentor electricity forecast |
PTO | Lisbon OTC (MIFID) trades |
RB | Travel bank |
RCH | Raiffeisenbank, Switzerland |
RHI | Rhine water levels |
RIG | OMX - Riga Stock Exchange - In |
ROM | Rotterdam Commodities |
RSM | Rotterdam Spot Market |
RTR | via CEF: Stock exchange GMF |
RTS | Russian Trading System(Moscow) |
SAL | Sal Oppenheim, Frankfurt |
SAR | Bank Sarasin |
SBC | UBS Warburg, Frankfurt |
SCG | Societe Generale |
SCH | Scoach Switzerland |
SCI | Spectron Indices (13P) |
SDC | Copenhagen |
SEO | Spanish Electronic Outcry Mkt |
SFE | Sydney (Futures Exchange) |
SFH | Helsinki |
SGX | Singapore Exchange Derivatives |
SGZ | GZ Bank |
SIM | Simex |
SIR | Reykjavik |
SKB | St. Gallen Cantonal Bank |
SKM | Central Brandenburg. Savings bank |
SKN | Nuremberg Savings Bank( 20Z) |
SLB | SaarLB (17M) |
SLI | Swiss Leader Index weight. |
SLO | Ljubljana |
SMI | Swiss Market Index weighting |
SMM | Swiss Market Index (Midcap) shares |
SMX | Swiss Market Index (Expanded)- |
SNB | Swiss National Bank |
SNG | Stockbroker Schnigge AG |
SNL | Spectron |
SNO | Oslo |
SOF | Sofia |
SOT | Scoach Switzerland OTC |
SPE | S&P Indices - elek Handel |
SPG | SPI Swiss Perf. Index weight |
SPG | Spectron Power GAS (13Q) |
SPI | S&P Indices |
SPR | S&P Fund Rankings & Ratings |
SPR | Spectron Power France (13R |
SPV | (20Z) |
SSB | Citibank Indices (formerly SSB) |
SSE | Shanghai |
SSS | Stockholm |
SSX | Solomon Smith Barney |
STA | Federal Statistical Office |
SWE | SWEP indices / manual entry |
SWO | Swiss Stock Exchange OTC |
SWP | Swiss Perf. Index extra weight |
SXS | Swiss Perf. Index ex. SLI Gew. |
TFD | TFS Derivatives Ltd. |
TFI | Tullett Financial Information |
TFS | Tradition Financial Services |
TIF | Fund trading TIF |
TKB | Thurgau Cantonal Bank |
TLI | OMX - Tallinn Stock Exchange |
TLI | Tallinn |
TLV | Tel Aviv |
TNF | Tenfore Systems Ltd. |
TRD | Tradegate securities trading |
TUB | Trinkaus Burkhardt Düsseldorf |
UAX | Kiev |
UBH | vwd: UBSCH |
UBI | UBS Investment Bank |
UBS | UBS Zurich |
UBZ | UBS Zurich interest conditions |
UKX | UKPX - Energy Indices (13E) |
UAE | United Arab Emirates |
VAL | Valora Effekten Handel AG |
VDP | VDP Pfandbrief curve |
VE | Venezuela / Cosy |
VFN | Vienna Stock Ex. Inv. funds |
VIL | OMX - Vilnius Stock Exchange I |
VIL | Villnius |
VIX | via CEF: Volatility indices |
VNL | Source (20Z) |
VOD | Bank Vontobel CH Derivatives |
FROM | Bank Vontobel |
VTO | virt-X OTC |
VTX | virt-X |
VWE | economic data Eme |
ECONOMICS | Economic indicator |
VXM | virt-X Depth of market |
W09 | Indonesia Stock Exchange |
W11 | Indonesia Commodity and Deriva |
WCE | WCE Winnipeg Commodities Ex |
WAY | Wegelin |
WEI | Weight Eurex |
WES | Westdeutsche Landesbank D.dorf |
WFX | WestLB foreign exchange fixing |
WG | ICE Canada (formerly WCE) |
WIN | Wintertur mortgage rates |
WM | Sec-Type 99: WM master data |
WMT | Vienna CashMarket |
WOL | Enron Metals, Hamburg |
WVM | Cast aluminum alloys |
XCC | Euronext Continental Commoditi |
XCO | Euronext Commodities |
XCR | Xtrakter (formerly ICMA) |
XEQ | Euronext Equity Derivatives |
XET | XETRA Exchange Traded Funds |
XHB | US indices for the HBL |
XIR | Euronext Interest Rate Derivative |
YHB | Euro yields Handelsblatt |
YUS | US interest rates |
ZAG | Zagreb |
ZCE | Zero Coupon Curve (End of Day) |
ZFI | Zurich Edelmatall Fixing |
ZIN | German metal prices |
ZKZ | Zürcher Kantonalbank interest rate fund |
ZKZ | vwd: ZKBZ |