Performance development parameters
You can use these parameters to specify which criteria should apply to the overview. The details can be found in the following table. If you do not make any entries, the default settings are assumed.
The parameters of performance development:
Parameters | Description |
Start date | You can enter a date for the start of the calculation here ( The default setting is January 1 of the current year. |
Evaluation date | Enter the desired evaluation date here. The default setting is the current date or the evaluation date entered in the input field on the "Start" tab. If no current prices are available for the specified date, the Infront Portfolio Manager searches for the last current price in the database (default), or sets "n/a" if no prices are available for the last 8 days. To change this setting, select the SETTINGS command in the menu of the "General settings" icon on the "Configuration" tab. In the "Settings" dialog box that appears, you can select the desired setting on the "Depot" tab in the "Asset valuation" field. |
Calculation type | For the performance development, the calculation type can be set between "Internal interest rate", "Classic" (approximation), "Time-weighted" (exact) and "Time-weighted cum equity". Information on the exact definition of these variables can be found in the section Calculation of performance. |
Currency | The default evaluation currency from the input object (e.g. the holder) is set here by default. You can also specify a different currency for the overview by selecting the desired currency from the list. |
Interval | Here you can select whether the calculation should be made monthly, quarterly or at another interval. The weekends are taken into account for all intervals, except for the "weekly" interval - here Friday is always the last day of the week. |