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Performance chart with peer

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"

In the Infront Portfolio Manager, a fixed, storable comparator - e.g. a sample portfolio - can be set up using the "Performance chart with comparator" template.

To assign a comparative holder to a holder in the performance chart, proceed as follows, for example:

  1. Select the command OPEN WITH TEMPLATE... in the context menu of the owner in the Explorer.
  2. In the "Open template" dialog box in the "Securities account management" category, select the "Performance chart with comparative holder" template.
  3. In the legend, select the default 'empty' time series "Comparison owner" and then select the parameters for this selected time series with <CTRL>+<A>.
  4. Search for the holder of your choice using the icon with the search symbol in the input field of the "Comparison holder" parameter.
  5. Update the performance chart with comparison owner via the "Evaluate with new parameters" icon.
  6. If necessary, hide the parameters again with <CTRL>+<A>.
  7. If you save the template, the comparison owner assigned in this way remains valid for the next considerations.
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