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Save password for encryption

Proceed as follows to store the central password of the current user for the encryption of the ZIP archives:

  1. In the Infront Portfolio Manager ribbon, on the Configuration tab, select SETTINGS from the General Settings icon menu.
  2. In the "Settings" dialog box that appears, switch to the "Export options" tab.
  3. Activate the "Encrypt ZIP archive on export" checkbox.
  4. Enter the desired password below and repeat the entry in the "Password confirmation" field. You can tell whether you have entered a correct password by the color of the input fields: If an input field is colored red, the password and password confirmation requirements have not yet been met.
  5. Confirm the "Settings" dialog box with "OK".

Observe the following guidelines when choosing a password:

  • The password must contain upper and lower case letters
  • The password must contain a number or a special character (e.g. ! @ # $% ^)
  • The password must contain at least 10 characters
  • The password must not be identical to the previous 3 passwords
  • The password must not contain the user name, first name or surname

These password requirements are also displayed as help when entering them in the fields.

The dialog box closes and the password is saved. The encryption then applies to all subsequent exports to ZIP archives in the batch export, scheduled reporting and loss threshold reporting of this user.

You can use settings profiles to assign these export options to users via the user administration.
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