To change the parameters of an open performance chart, proceed as follows:
On the "Chart" tab, select the command Fade PARAMETERS IN AND OUT in the menu of the "Parameter" icon or press the key combination <CTRL>+<A>. The "Parameters of: Performance" is opened to the left of the performance chart.
Use the input fields and selection lists to redefine the parameters.
Then select the "Evaluate with new parameters" icon that appears on the far left in the toolbar of the chart window when the parameters are displayed. The performance is then re-evaluated.
The details can be found in the following table. If you do not make any entries, the default settings are used.
Start date
Enter the date for the start of the calculation here.
The default setting is January 1 of the current calendar year.
Right-click in the input fields for dates to quickly select the dates "Today", "Yesterday", "Start of month" or "Start of quarter" in the context menu.
Evaluation date
Enter the evaluation time here.
The default setting is the current date.
Select the desired currency from the list.
Here you can select whether the calculation should be carried out from one day to the next (daily), quarterly or at a different interval.
Calculation type
For the performance chart, "Internal interest rate", "Classic" (approximation), "Time-weighted" (exact) and "Time-weighted cum equity" can be set as the calculation type.