Outdated standard templates
New program versions often also introduce new standard templates or replace old ones. If you have changed these "obsolete" standard templates individually, they are not deleted, but are moved to the "Obsolete templates" zone and can still be accessed via the FILE, OPEN TEMPLATE command. However, these evaluations disappear from the standard workspace configuration.
Beispiele für veraltete Standardvorlagen:
- Key figures Performance
- Performance indicators (B)
These two evaluations have been replaced by the evaluations "Risk indicators portfolio", "Risk indicators segments" and "Risk indicators securities". - Linear Jensen regression (B)
This evaluation has been replaced by the "Jensen regression portfolio" and "Jensen regression securities" evaluations. - Performance Vola diagram
This evaluation has been replaced by the diagram for the "Securities risk indicators" evaluation. - Risk-return diagram
This evaluation has been replaced by the diagram for the "Risk indicators portfolio" evaluation.