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Option strategy type


Bear diagonal spread with calls

Bear diagonal spread with puts

Bear price spread with calls

Bear price spread with puts

Bull diagonal spread with calls

Bull diagonal spread with puts

Bull price spread with calls

Bull price spread with puts

Free combination

Long butterfly with calls

Long butterfly with puts

Long Call

Long-Condor with calls

Long-Condor with puts

Long put

Long Straddle

Long Strangle

Long strap

Long Strip

Ratio back spread with calls

Ratio back spread with puts

Ratio price spread with calls

Ratio price spread with puts

Reverse time spread with calls

Reverse time spread with puts

Short butterfly with calls

Short butterfly with puts

Short Call

Short Condor with calls

Short Condor with puts

Short put

Short Straddle

Short Strangle

Short strap

Short Strip

Time spread with calls

Time spread with puts

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