Countless options and warrants are traded in Germany alone - far too many to keep a complete overview. The warrant calculator helps you with your buy and sell decisions. On the one hand, it shows you the current key figures of the warrant, and on the other hand you can also run through various scenarios, for example: What does the warrant do if the interest rate level or the volatility of the underlying security changes? Such evaluations will play an increasingly important role given the large selection of similar titles. The warrant calculator is therefore the ideal complement to quantitative analysis and option strategies.
The field behind "Model" in the lower third of the options and warrants calculator shows which model is used for the calculation.
Even if we occasionally only talk about warrants here, you can of course also have options valued with this calculator.
To start the options and warrants calculator, proceed as follows:
On the "Tools" tab, select the "Options and Warrants Calculator" command.
Or select the "Options and Warrants Calculator" icon on your quick access toolbar. In the chapter Quick access toolbar , you will learn how to configure the quick access toolbar and thus have quick access to exactly the functions you need time and again.
Or search for a warrant using the search function and then open its workspace by double-clicking on it in the search result. In the workspace of the warrant, switch to the "Warrant" worksheet and then to "Calculator". The OS calculator is opened (and in the latter case is already pre-assigned with the current warrant as an input object). To analyze a new warrant or option, enter the name in the "Name" field and search using the "Search" icon to the right of it. The object search is used here to search specifically for options and warrants.
Use <CTRL>+<P>, the "Print" icon or the FILE, PRINT command to send the current display of the warrant calculator to your printer.