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Open fund calculator

Proceed as follows to open the fund calculator:

  • Select the "Fund calculator" icon on the "Tools" tab.
  • Or select the "Fund calculator" icon on your quick access bar. In the chapter Quick access toolbar you can find out how to configure the quick access toolbar and thus have quick access to exactly the functions you need time and again.
    The fund calculator opens. Enter the fund to be analyzed in the "Fund" input field or search for it via the "Search" icon using the object search.
    Alternatively, you can also select the fund first and then open the fund calculator in the workspace for this fund. Proceed as follows:
  1. First open the workspace for a fund using the search field and the object search or by double-clicking on the fund in the Explorer.
    The workspace for the fund is opened.
  2. Switch to the "Funds" worksheet.
  3. Select the "Calculator" worksheet below.
    The fund calculator for this fund opens.

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