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Online order book

Module "PSI Order Entry per bank or fax order"

In addition to the order book integrated in the Infront Portfolio Manager, which you can open via the "Order Book" icon on the "Ordering" tab, for example, and into which the orders from Portfolio Rebalancing run, there is also the so-called online order book for some PSI Order Entry. You can find out how each interface works in the respective individual documentation for PSI Order Entry.

To display detailed information on your orders in the online order book, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the command DEPOT, PSI ORDER ENTRY, ORDER BOOK in the context menu of a depot in the Explorer.
  2. The "Legitimation" dialog box appears first, check the details of the holder, account and custody account. Then enter your PIN in the input field and confirm with "OK" or by pressing the enter key.
  3. Your Infront Portfolio Manager then shows the online order book with all orders.

In the columns you will find detailed information on the orders. In the first column you will see the order number, the second column shows you the order type (buy or sell) and in the third column the securities account number. The "Security name" column contains the names of the securities stored in the Infront Portfolio Manager. If the security of an order is not yet known in your program database, you will see the entry "n/a" here. In the other columns you will find information on space, status, limit, validity and price.

The securities account holder in the column of the same name is filled with the name of the holder (first name and surname from address). If no name is stored, "n/a" is output. However, you have the option of adding or updating the names via your bank's web service. The names are then replaced by the names determined by the web service.

You can of course edit this online order book. For example, set the column width individually in the column header by holding down the left mouse button and dragging the column border. The "Adjust column width" button is used to adjust the column widths to their content. To sort the online order book by order number, WKN or security name, simply click on the relevant column heading.

To group by a column, drag it from the column header to the area above it.

The buttons have the following functions:



Change search criteria

Select this button to change the settings.

The search criteria available here vary depending on the interface.


Brings your online order book up to date.

Adjust column width

This button optimally adjusts the column widths to your content.

Update securities account holder

Select this button to add or update the securities account holder in the column of the same name via your bank's web service. The names are then replaced by the current names determined by the web service.

As this can take quite a long time, a progress bar with the "Cancel" button is displayed during the update.

Order details..

To activate this button, you must first select an order in the list by clicking on it. Then select the "Order detail..." button to see all relevant information on the selected order in a separate window.

Change order..

To click this button, you must first select an order in the list that has not yet been executed or deleted.

Read the following section Change order.

Cancel order..

To activate this button, you must first click on an order in the list that has not yet been executed or deleted.

Please read the section Delete order.

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