Your restrictions created with older program versions are retained. However, as of Infront Portfolio Manager 5.50, these can only be deleted, but no longer changed. You can create new restrictions based on these "old" restrictions, e.g. by copying the MM-Talk formula into the definition of the new restriction.
These obsolete restrictions are not available at owner and group level.
In the "Configure restrictions" dialog box, the outdated restrictions are marked with this icon in the list of restrictions and a corresponding note is displayed. You can use the "Definition" button to open the MM-Talk formula for the restriction in the formula editor (and copy it if necessary).
Beispiel für die schnelle Umwandlung alter Restriktionen
You may still be familiar with the following restrictions for monitoring the risk classification of securities via the corresponding user-defined field from the old restrictions:
"No WP with risk class <security-oriented>"
"No WP with risk class <limited risk appetite>"
"No WP with risk class <ready for risk>"
"No WP with risk class <increased risk appetite>"
"No WP with risk class <speculative>"
This example lends itself to parameterization via a new restriction scheme. Proceed as follows, for example:
Select the RESTRICTIONS command on the "Configuration" tab.
In the "Configure restrictions" dialog box that appears, switch to the "Restriction schemes" tab.
Select the "Create new restriction scheme" icon in the "Restriction schemes" area on the left.
Select "Stock restriction" as the restriction type.
Select the "Definition" button to enter the definition in the formula editor.
The formulas of the old restrictions look as follows, for example (for the risk classification <ready for risk>):
WP.userfield["Risk classification"]="willing to take risks"
On this basis, you can now also create the new formula with a parameter $RK for the risk class:
WP.userfield["Risk classification"]=$RK
The parameter type of the parameter must be "String", the result object type is then "Boolean".
Save this formula with the "Save" button in the formula editor.
Select the "Edit designation" icon to assign a meaningful designation, e.g. "No securities with risk class <RK>", whereby you can use the variable <RK> as a placeholder:
Confirm the entry with "OK".
The "No securities with risk class <RK>" restriction scheme is now complete. Save the configuration with the "Save" button.
Switch to the "Restrictions" tab.
Select the "Create new restriction" icon in the "Restrictions" area on the left.
Now select the "No securities with risk class <RK>" scheme in the "Restriction scheme" selection list on the right-hand side.
Select the "Parameters" button.
Enter the value "speculative", for example, in the input field for the "RK" parameter.
Confirm the parameter value entries with "OK".
The newly created restriction automatically receives the designation "No securities with risk class speculative".
Confirm the "Configure restrictions" dialog box with the "Save" button.
The restriction "No securities with risk class speculative" is now available and can be assigned to your portfolio as described in the section Assign restrictions . For securities in the "speculative" risk class, this restriction then results in a restriction violation in the "restriction monitoring" evaluation.
Similarly, you can also monitor all other risk classes with your own restrictions on the basis of this one restriction scheme.
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