Encrypt object information
For data protection reasons, object information (e.g. securities account or portfolio numbers) can now be transmitted in encrypted form when communicating with the cloud services . You can configure the key using the server configuration tool.
Proceed as follows to configure an individual key:
- Start the server configuration tool via the <Configure server> command in the Windows start menu.
- Log in as a user with the appropriate authorizations.
- If necessary, shut down the Portfolio Manager server.
- In the main menu of the server configuration tool, select the command CONFIGURATION, CLOUD-SERVICES.
- Enter the desired key in the "Encrypt object information" dialog box that appears.
- Confirm the prompt that appears with "Yes".
- Confirm the "Encrypt object information" dialog box with "OK".
Object information is now transmitted in encrypted form.
In the depot properties, you will find a field that displays the encrypted depot number:
Wichtige Hinweise zur Verschlüsselung
- Enter any characters or a text of sufficient length as the key.
- You can change the key at any time using the server configuration tool. Please note, however, that previously encrypted information can then no longer be identified.
- If you remove a saved key (empty "Encrypt object information" dialog box), depot numbers are then sent unencrypted again.
- If a key is stored, the encrypted securities account number is only displayed in the securities account properties for a newly created securities account with securities account number or for newly entered securities account numbers after closing the dialog window with "OK" the next time the securities account properties are called up.