Proceed as follows to export objects as MME files:
Select the FILE, OBJECT EXPORT command in the ribbon.
In the "Export objects" worksheet that opens, you can specify the objects that you want to export. Click on the "Search" icon and select the Explorer objects using the object search. Or drag and drop one or more objects (folders, filters, signal controls, signal systems, trading systems, holders) from the Explorer into the "Folder" field at the top left. For securities, you can specify more precisely how they are to be exported and thus reduce the amount of data. You can export included securities either completely, only with the price quotation at the standard valuation place or without any price data. To do this, activate the corresponding checkboxes in the "Export objects" worksheet. Persons are exported without their stored e-mail addresses by default. Please also refer to the explanations in the section Export and import of persons and person links. The objects are exported with all the elements created under them. The objects may have to be re-evaluated after importing. Selecttemplates for export by clicking on the "Add template" icon and selecting the templates from the selection list. Select libraries in the field at the bottom left by activating the corresponding checkboxes. In the "Other objects" field, select, for example, chart form elements, user-defined fields, portfolio profiles, asset classes, asset classifications, alert definitions, translation memories, zones, users, persons or other objects. For example, chart form elements, user-defined fields, portfolio profiles, asset classes, asset classifications, alert definitions, translation memories, zones, users, persons or others (e.g. price data export configurations, yield curves...).
Select the "Export..." button. You will then be asked to enter a file name and the directory. The objects are exported to the relevant file using the "Save" button. The file name has the extension *.mme. This file can be imported into any other Infront Portfolio Manager application (from version 5.00). The prerequisite is that the other application also has the required areas.
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