Object zones
An object zone is an organizer for managing the various object types (owners, groups, folders, filters, limit folders, etc.) of the Infront Portfolio Manager.
Each object is uniquely assigned to either an object zone or a user, i.e. each object is assigned to exactly one user or zone. Multiple assignments are not possible.
The only "exceptions" are securities, which are generally available globally, and certain object types, which are only available privately (e.g. trend analysis folders, formula filters, etc.).
Objects that are assigned to a user are so-called private objects and are only visible to the user themselves. These objects are implicitly assigned to a private user zone.
This zone may also appear as a zone with the user's name. For example, a corresponding MM-Talk formula is available that returns the name of the zone.
Objects that are assigned to an object zone are visible to all users who are connected to the zone. (You can find out how users are "connected" to zones in the section Rights and roles.
The object zones are displayed as root folders in the Infront Portfolio Manager. In addition to their private root folder in Explorer, each user also sees a root folder for each object zone to which they are connected.
An object zone can also be connected to a so-called sub-zone via a link. As a result, all objects from the sub-zone or sub-zones are visible in addition to the objects that the zone itself contains.
In this example, object zone 1 ("OZ 1") contains, among others, the "Owner Mayer". This is visible for user 1 and user 2, as these two users are directly connected to object zone 1. However, by linking to the Super object zone ("OZ Super"), the "Management Board" can also see the "Owner Mayer" object. User 3, on the other hand, does not see the "Mayer owner" (or any other objects in object zone 1).