New features and improvements in Service Pack 6.63
The following improvements were introduced in Service Pack 6.63:
ID | Type | Area | Description |
PM-4316 | I | Installation | The Infront Portfolio Manager now also supports the Microsoft OLE DB driver version 19 for SQL Server. |
PM-4671 | I | Installation | This update of Infront Portfolio Manager includes the latest version of Crystal Reports. |
PM-4702 | I | Installation | The obsolete MS Visual C++ redistributables have been removed from the installation programme in version 6.63. |
PM-4544 | I | Documents | The order in which PIB/KIID documents are selected in the Infront Portfolio Manager has been revised, particularly with regard to language and country settings. |
PM-4344 | I | PSI Order Entry CSV export | For the PSI Order Entry CSV export, a comment can now also be entered in the "Prepare mass order" dialogue window, which is then also included in the exported CSV file. |
PM-4436 | I | PSI Order Entry | PSI Order Entry DAB BNP Paribas now supports user-specific authorisation data ("credentials"). |
PM-4456 | I | PSI Order Entry | In the Order Entry Service, PSI Order Entry services that support the "BrokerDetailsVenue" or "BrokerDetailsInstrument" feature can now activate the new checkbox "Use bank-specific listings" in the configuration dialogue in order to use the bank-specific trading venues. |
PM-3786 | I | PSI Order Entry | In the Order Entry Service, lists of trading venues, expire types and order amount types can now be provided for each order via an order details query for PSI Order Entry that support this feature, and the corresponding columns can be filled in the "Prepare mass order" dialogue window. |
PM-4580 | I | PSI Order Entry | In the Order Entry Service, the trading venue "BestEx" is now also supported for PSI Order Entry that support the "BrokerDetailsVenue" or "BrokerDetailsInstrument" feature and is displayed at the top of the corresponding column. |
PM-4457 PM-4501 PM-4548 | N | PSI Order Entry | The new "Order Patch" feature offers the option of changing open orders (e.g. validity or limit) for the corresponding PSI Order Entry without having to create them from scratch. The prerequisite for this is that the respective banks support these change requests. |
PM-4616 | I | PSI Order Entry | [PSI Order Entry comdirect] For this PSI Order Entry, Venue_ID is used as the trading venue instead of MIC (if available). |
PM-4461 | I | Wealth Portal | The cost prices have been added to the layout for positions. |
PM-4507 | I | Wealth Portal | The "Operations" layout was also updated following feedback. |
PM-4561 | I | Wealth Portal | For larger customers with many persons and person links, the processing of the person layout for the PM Facade sometimes took a very long time. An improvement has been achieved here. |