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Create new basic asset class

Proceed as follows to create new basic asset classes in the open "Edit basic asset classes" dialog box:

  1. In the "Edit basic asset classes" dialog box, click on the "Create new basic asset class" icon above the list. The new base asset class appears in the list.
  2. Select the new base asset class. Enter a meaningful name in the "Name" field or use the name that the asset classification provides automatically.
  3. If you want to refer to an asset classification, select it in the "Asset classification" selection list. The following steps are then omitted. If you want to define the base asset class directly via MM-Talk, select &quot;<free definition>&quot; in the selection list.
  4. For free definitions, select the "Definition" button. The formula editor opens.
  5. Enter the desired definition in the formula editor. The definition must have a Boolean result type (true/false) or a value between 0 and 1.
  6. Save the formula. The formula editor is closed and you return to the "Edit basic asset classes" window. The green tick on the icon of the "Definition" button always indicates that a (valid) formula has been saved.

You can use the two arrows above the list to adjust the list sequence. This allows you to influence the order in which individual criteria appear in the name of a new basic asset class combination in the "Asset Allocation" window. Tables and reports also access the sequence for sorting. Please also read the section Changing the order of the basic asset classes.

To add new criteria to the list, the "Copy formula" function in the formula editor is very helpful. To add a new region to the list, for example, use the "Definition" button to open the formula for a region already contained in the list. Then use the <CTRL>+<K> command to copy the entire formula, including the parameter assignment and the library list. Close the formula editor again. Then open the formula editor for the new region and paste the copied formula using the command <CTRL>+<V>. Change the keywords and save the new formula.

More information on the formula editor and the MM-Talk formula language as well as a list of all valid keywords can be found at MM-Talk reference.

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