In addition to uploading to the mailbox, "Posting" can now also be selected for person links to depot objects. A storage location for the files can be defined for the reports via the configuration of the document types.
Postal dispatch can be used in addition to the Postbox upload or as the sole dispatch option. However, this requires a licensed Postbox module.
Preparation: Configure document types for mailing in the server configuration tool
To use this functionality, you must configure the desired document types for mailing by entering a path to the storage location. Proceed as follows:
Start the server configuration tool via the <Configure server> command in the Windows start menu.
In the open server configuration tool, select the CONFIGURATION, CONFIGURE DOCUMENT TYPES command in the main menu. The "Configure document types" dialog box appears with the list of available document types.
To add new document types, select the "Add document type" icon. Then enter the desired name for the new document type in the "Add document type" dialog box that appears and confirm your entry with "OK". The new entry then appears in the list.
Enter the path for storing the documents in the "Storage location for mailing" column.
Proceed in the same way for all other required document types.
Finish the configuration with the "OK" button. You can assign the document types configured in this way to the reports directly when archiving or assign or change them in the "Document archive" worksheet of the Infront Portfolio Manager for the listed documents using the EDIT DOCUMENT PROPERTIES command in the context menu.
Steps in the Infront Portfolio Manager
If you have carried out the configuration described above in the server configuration tool, proceed as follows:
Start Portfolio Manager Server and Infront Portfolio Manager.
Make sure that the configuration for uploading to the postbox is activated in the person properties of the relevant person on the "Postbox" mini-tab.
Assign a person to an owner, for example. To do this, select the command INHOLDER, CONFIGURE PERSONAL LINKS in the context menu of the owner and open the "Configure personal links" dialog box.
Select the person in the list of linked persons or add the person.
Activate the "Mailing" checkbox in the person link properties and confirm the entry with "OK".
Now archive a report with the corresponding document type using the ARCHIVE command on the "Report" tab in the main menu of the open report. Select one of the previously configured document types.
Open the document archive in the Infront Portfolio Manager for the owner and search for the archived report.
Select the "Upload selection to Postbox" icon for the report. The document is uploaded to the Postbox (if this option is also activated) and saved as a PDF file in the configured folder for mailing.
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