New: Backup process in Ordering
A backup process is now available for PSI Order Entry that runs via the Order Entry Service . This allows you to place orders using the Portfolio Manager Server even if there are connection problems, e.g. because the Order Entry Service or associated services are not available.
In addition, a CSV file is saved as a backup for each order session.
The backup process therefore consists of the two parts "Backup" and "Simulation".
Part I "Backup"
For each PSI Order Entry, the creation of a CSV file with all necessary order information for all order sessions can be defined in the configuration files. Here you can specify the path to the storage location of the CSV files, for example. You can also individually configure which columns with order data should be saved in the file. In addition to the available standard columns from the Order Entry Service, user-defined columns can also be stored here, which can then be configured via MM-Talk. The order of the columns can also be configured.
For existing order sessions of a day, new orders are added in new lines in the already created file.
The file names of the backup files are automatically assigned from a date stamp and, if necessary, a consecutive number, e.g. 20230322_2.csv.
The individual orders contained in block orders are saved in separate files. These file names are automatically assigned from a date stamp and a unique internal transaction ID, e.g. 20230322_<Transaktions-ID>.csv.
Part II "Simulation"
If a backup file has been created as described above, the orders of an order session can also be placed in the "Enter collective order" dialog box. If problems occur in the further order process, a "simulation" is carried out with the help of the Portfolio Manager Server, the orders can be sent and placed - but of course not executed directly.