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Ribbon and tabs

Use the tabs at the top of your Infront Portfolio Manager desktop to open them in the ribbon and access all the important commands for these topics at the click of a mouse - depending in part on the modules you have activated.

The standard tabs in detail:



On the "Start" tab you will find many important commands, e.g. Save, Print or the various securities account and securities filters. Various navigation elements also have their place here.

You can also select your reporting language on the far right.


The "File" tab does not open a toolbar in the ribbon, but - similar to Office applications - still opens a menu. Here you will find commands for saving, exporting and importing or closing the application.

Data maintenance

You can manage your objects such as supervisors, banks or storage locations on the "Data maintenance" tab. You can also create new Explorer objects and your own securities here.

Enter transactions and prices, open the document archive or start your PSI Transaction Data directly - all these functions can still be found under "Data maintenance".

You can also store the tools for entering transactions on the configurable quick access bar. Read the section Quick access toolbar.


On the "Ordering" tab you will find all the important features relating to ordering: Open the integrated order book, start portfolio rebalancing and configure your investment agents.

If you have licensed a PSI Order Entry, you will find the configuration menu here.


Here you will find the various calculators, money management or bond scenario analysis.

You can also store these tools on the configurable quick access toolbar. Please read the section Quick access toolbar.


You can find everything you need to know about the various reporting options here. This allows you to configure your scheduled reporting, manage alert definitions or configure jobs.


Here you will find numerous commands for configuration. Define the settings for asset definitions, workspaces, valuation places or user-defined fields as well as general settings for your Infront Portfolio Manager.


On the "Help" tab, you will find icons for opening online help and the current update manual. You can also start the short introduction to the new interface manually via the "Intro" icon.

In addition, you can use the "Info" command to view the program and license information or, if necessary, carry out a system diagnosis using the command of the same name.

Further tabs

If you have opened charts, tables or reports, additional tabs are automatically displayed.

Example: Report" tab

Many commands in the ribbon can also be accessed via icons (symbols) on the quick access toolbar, e.g. SAVE or REVIEW..

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