To construct an option strategy manually, proceed as follows:
Open the option strategy calculator as described above. In the lower part of the input field on the left-hand side, there is an initially empty area in which the option item list is compiled.
To add a warrant to the list, select the "Create new position element" button. These elements only allow you to enter options in the database.
The following options are available to you for processing the items:
Call or put.
To switch from Call to Put or vice versa, click on it.
Strike price (in the example: 5550)
Base price of the option.
To switch to the nearest neighboring option with a higher or lower base price, use the small arrow buttons.
Exercise date of the option.
To switch to the nearest neighboring option with a longer or shorter runtime, use the small arrow buttons.
Long or short position.
To switch from long to short position, click on it.
Number of contracts
Weighting of the option in the strategy.
This is usually "1", but larger values are also entered here for ratio spreads, for example.
You can temporarily remove an element from the strategy by entering the number "0".
The current price of the option and its weekly turnover are shown at the top right.
To delete an item from the strategy, select the "Close" icon (cross) in the top right-hand corner of the item field.
Options overview
Select this button to call up a selection dialog that displays all available options in the form of a grid.
The available strikes are shown vertically and the run times horizontally. The option type (put or call) is shown in the top left-hand corner. Click here to switch between the put and call positions. The grid fields display the current price and weekly turnover for all existing options.
When opening, the currently selected option is highlighted. You can select a different option by clicking on a grid field.
Securities context menu
Select this button (with the left mouse button) to call up a context menu with all the functions available for this security, e.g. OPEN, PROPERTIES, CAPTURE LIMIT, USER DEFINED PROPERTIES or EDIT COURSES/FACTORS.
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