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We recommend the following books:


Title and publisher

Bollinger, John

Bollinger bands

Financial book publisher

Bressert, Walter

ProfitTraderTM Manual

Walter Bressert Inc, 2003

Chande, Tushar and Kroll, Stanley

The New Technical Trader

Wiley & Sons, 1994

Colby, Robert W.

The Encyclopedia of Technical Market Indicators, 2nd Edition

McGraw-Hill, 2003

DeMark. Thomas R.

New Market Timing Techniques

Wiley, 1994

DeMark. Thomas R.

The New Science of Technical Analysis

Wiley, 1997

German, Hans-Peter

Derivatives and internal models

Schäffer-Poeschel-Verlag, 2004

Edwards, Robert D. and

Magee, John

Technical analysis of stock trends

Hoppenstedt Verlag, Darmstadt, 1969

Fischer, Bernd

Performance analysis in practice

Oldenbourg, 2001

Florek, Erich

New trading dimensions

Finanzbuch Verlag, 2000

Kaufman, Perry J.

Trading Systems and Methods

Wiley, 1998

Kaufman, Perry J.

Smarter Trading

McGraw-Hill, 1995

Kleeberg, Jochen M. and

Rehkugler Heinz

Portfolio Management Manual

Uhlenbruch Publishing House, 2002

Müller, Thomas and

Lindner, Wolfgang

The big book of technical indicators

TM Börsenverlag, 2004

Müller-Möhl, Ernst

Options and futures

Schäffer-Poeschel Publishing House, Stuttgart, 1999

Murphy, John J.

Technical analysis of the financial markets

Finanzbuch Verlag, 3rd edition, 2003

Pastré, Wilhelm

Technical analysis for reference

Publisher W. Pastré, 1995

Pelz, Werner H.

The key to the stock markets

Fortuna Finanz-Verlag, 1993

Pring, Martin J.

Manual Technical Price Analysis

Hoppenstedt Verlag, Darmstadt, 1993

Rhodius Oliver, and

Lofing, Johannes

Understanding capital gains tax and flat-rate withholding tax

Springer Gabler, 2012

Steiner, Manfred,

Bruns, Christoph and

Stöckl, Stefan

Securities management

Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart,

11. Edition, 2017

Uszczapowski, Igor

Understanding options and futures

dtv, 1999

Wagner, Eckehard

Effective interest rate of loans and securities

Helmut Richardi Publishing House

Welcker, Johannes

Technical equity analysis

Publisher Modern Industry

We recommend the following brochures specifically for analyzing derivatives:

Eurex: Equity and equity index derivatives: Trading strategies

Eurex, May 2007

Eurex: Risk-based margining

Eurex, September 2007

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