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Limit display in the chart

  1. To show security limits in the chart, right-click on the time series in the chart window to open the context menu.
  2. Select the VIEW, PAPER LIMITS command in the context menu.

Or select the "Show security limits" icon. The limits are indicated by colored lines in the chart.




Limit target


Limit loss


Limit stop

  • If you hover over the lines with the mouse, the details of this limit are displayed in a yellow information window.
  • For target limits, the line is limited to the end date (start date + validity) if a validity period has been entered.
  • To edit the limit directly from the chart display, right-click on a line and select the command EDIT LIMIT... from the context menu
  • Progressive limits (stop and loss) are displayed as a "sloping" line (non-cumulative) or as a curved line (cumulative, a straight line in logarithmic view).
  • With short limits, the breakout directions are reversed compared to the "normal" limits.
  • Progressive short limits have a negative slope while "normal" limits have a positive slope.
  • In charts whose currency differs from the limit currency, the limits are displayed as curves calculated using exchange rates.

Beispiel für ein Limit im Chart mit abweichender Limit-Währung:

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