Link LEI
If no legal entity has yet been assigned to the security, you can search for the corresponding legal entity and link it permanently via the LEI. If necessary, you can also replace a linked LEI with another LEI using the method described below.
To link an LEI to a security, proceed as follows:
- If necessary, open the properties of the security and switch to the "LEI" tab.
- Select the "Link LEI..." button at the top right.
The "Link Legal Identifier" dialog box opens. - Now enter the LEI or the name of the legal entity (or part of it) in the "Search for" input field.
- Confirm the entered search term with the<RETURN>button or select the "Search" button.
A tabular selection list of the legal entities found with the columns "Legal Entity Identifier", "Name", "City" (of the legal domicile) and "Country" appears. Select the appropriate legal entity from the search results and link it by clicking on the "Link" button. Alternatively, you can simply double-click on it to link it.
If the search results are very extensive, you can also quickly sort the table in descending or ascending order by clicking on the corresponding column heading. For example, if you know the company's headquarters, click on the "City" column to sort the table in alphabetical order.
- The legal entity linked via the LEI is displayed in the "LEI" tab.
- Finally, confirm the link with the "Save" button.