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Create a copy of an Explorer object

To quickly copy an Explorer object (folder, owner...) including the elements it contains and create a real "clone", use the CREATE COPY command in the context menu. Changes to a copied object do not affect the copies.

  1. Select an Explorer object, e.g. a folder.
  2. Select the CREATE COPY command in the context menu. The folder is copied with its entire contents and displayed in Explorer.

The name is that of the original folder, extended by a consecutive number, e.g. (1). To change the name, select the RENAME command in the context menu of the new folder.

The CREATE COPY function creates a new independent object. Changes to the original object leave this copy unchanged! This is an important difference to the usual COPY and then PASTE command, as this is still an object, e.g. a security, which is stored in two or more different folders.

Use the CUT commands and then PASTE in the other folder to move the object from the old to the new folder.

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