Constructors (trading systems)
Lines (time series): Lines to be displayed in the chart.
Long, Short, CloseLong, CloseShort (time series): Signal specification (depending on signal mode).
SignalMode (number: 1, 2 or 4 [4]): Interpretation mode for the signal time series.
Include_short_sales (Boolean[True]): Specification for the performance evaluation.
Expenses (percentage [0]): Specification for the performance evaluation.
Limit (number | function): Specification for the performance evaluation.
Interest (percentage [0]).
Prices (time series [Close]).
Delay (number[1]).
Slippage (percentage [0]): Data for performance evaluation.
Result: The TradingSystem
function returns the trading system on the security specified by the parameters. (See the chapter Trading systems.)
To Limits:
To define a limit scheme, a function (an anonymous macro) is transferred with the <Limit> parameter, which is to make the decision on a limit exit for a trading position.
This function has the parameters:
Security: the evaluated security.
Long (Boolean): Indicates whether the position is long ("True") or short ("False").
EntryPrice (numberWithTime): Entry price and date (i.e. the price of the security on the day following the signal).
CurrentPrice (ZahlMitZeit): current exit price with date.
The function should return a Boolean as the result, "True" means "Limit exit". The limit function is evaluated from the entry point of a trading phase for each subsequent price (on a daily basis) until it returns "True" (or other signals end the trading phase).
Beispiel 1
This function tests whether the price has fallen below the entry price minus a configurable percentage ($LossLimit) (nontrailing loss). The evaluation must be mirrored for short positions.
Beispiel 2
$TrailEntry:= -1;
This is a simulation of the trailing loss using a limit function. In the variable $TrailEntry, the entry price is updated and adjusted according to the current prices during the limit evaluation.
Please also read the chapter Trading systems.
Result: The TradingSystemReference
function returns the trading system defined by the trading system folder for the security specified by<name>. This function is primarily used to display trading systems in a chart that are given by Explorer objects.
Time series.HSBandBreakdownOutside
[Band;Tolerance]→Trading system
Result: The HSBandBreakout
macro, which builds a corresponding trading system from an indicator line. For the meaning, see the macro definition.
Time series.HSBandBreakdowninside
[Band;Tolerance]→Trading system
Result: The HSBandBreakdown
macro, which builds a corresponding trading system from an indicator line. For the meaning, see the macro definition.
[Band;Comparison_period;Tolerance]→Trading system
Result: The macro HSBand comparison
, which builds a corresponding trading system from an indicator line. For the meaning, see the macro definition.
Result: The macro HSGD comparison
, which builds a corresponding trading system from an indicator line. For the meaning, see the macro definition.
Result: The macro HSLineComparison
, which builds a corresponding trading system from an indicator line. For the meaning, see the macro definition.
Result: The HSZweiLinienVergleich
macro, which builds a corresponding trading system from an indicator line. For the meaning, see the macro definition.
Result: The HSZweiLinienVergleich
macro, which builds a corresponding trading system from an indicator line. For the meaning, see the macro definition.
Time series.HSReversal
[midpoint line]→Trading system
Result: The HSReversal
macro, which builds a corresponding trading system from an indicator line. For the meaning, see the macro definition.
[Top;Bottom;Comparison_period;Tolerance]→Trading system
Result: The HSZweiLinienVergleich
macro, which builds a corresponding trading system from an indicator line. For the meaning, see the macro definition.
[Name:String]→Trading system
Result: The SignalSystemReference
function returns the trading system defined by the signal system folder for the security specified by<name>. This function is primarily used to display trading systems in a chart, which are given by signal system folders in the Explorer.