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Scheduled Reporting" job type

For jobs of the type "Scheduled Reporting", the mini-tab "Further settings" looks as follows:

You will find the following elements in detail:


Explorer objects

Enter the input objects here. You can drag these from the Explorer into the input field or use the "Add object to list" icon to search for and select them using the object search.

Possible input objects are folders (with securities account objects), securities account filters, groups, owners, portfolios or securities accounts.

Add object to list" icon:

Select this icon to search for the desired input objects for the job using the object search.

Icon "Remove selected object from list".

Select this icon to remove the Explorer object selected in the input field from the list of input objects.

Icon "Remove all objects from list".

Select this icon to clear the list of input objects.

Selection list

In the selection list, select the level at which the reports are to be created:

  • Holder
  • Portfolios
  • Portfolios and owners

Force reporting

Activate this checkbox if you want to (re)run the current reporting.


If you are in March 2020, use this setting to set the date in the "Evaluate as of" column for reporting profiles with the reporting frequency "annually" to 31.12.2019, even if this annual reporting has already been created.

This also makes it possible to (re)run reports that lie further in the past. To do this, select the desired date in the past and then activate this checkbox. In this case, reporting is carried out for the last complete interval before the selected date, i.e. the reporting that was current at that time.

Next reportingdate

Activate this checkbox to set the next reporting due. "Next reporting date" therefore refers to a reporting whose interval end will be reached next - in relation to the current date or the set date.


If you are in March 2020, use this setting to set the date in the "Evaluate as of" column for reporting profiles with the reporting frequency "annually" to 31.12.2020.

Output of the generated files

Specify here the scheme according to which the (PDF) files are to be named and where they are to be saved.

If you have selected a printer in the Scheduled Reporting configuration, this path specification does not apply.

Please also read the section Output of the generated files in the chapter Batch export.

For further details, please also read the chapter Scheduled Reporting.

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