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Block investment agents

Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module or "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module

You can block the use of investment agents, e.g. for maintenance purposes, for all users without the "Configure investment agents" system right.

Proceed as follows to block investment agents:

  1. Select the "Configure investment agents" icon on the "Ordering" tab.
    Or press the key combination<CTRL>+<ALT>+<I>.
    Or select the "Configure investment agents" icon on your quick access toolbar.
  2. In the "Investment Agents" worksheet, select the investment agent to be blocked on the "Investment Agents" tab.
  3. Activate the "Locked" checkbox.
    The lock symbol appears behind this investment agent in the list of investment agents.
  4. Save the change using the FILE, SAVE command or the key combination<CTRL>+<S>.
    To unlock this locked investment agent again, deactivate the "Locked" checkbox and save the change.
Blocked investment agents can still be used for test purposes by the user who blocked them.
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