Proceed as follows to configure your investment agents:
Select the "Configure investment agents" icon on the "Ordering" tab. Or press the key combination<CTRL>+<ALT>+<I>. Or select the "Configure investment agents" icon on your quick access toolbar. In the chapter Quick access toolbar , you will learn how to configure the quick access toolbar and thus have quick access to exactly the functions you need time and again.
In the "Investment Agents" worksheet that appears, you can make your configuration on the "Investment Agents" tab.
Select the "Create new agent" icon. A new agent is added to the list of agents on the left-hand side.
Enter a name for the agent in the "Name" input field.
If you want to block an investment agent, activate the "Blocked" checkbox.
Select the type below. Allocation formula, model portfolio and basic configuration can be selected here. Allocation formula: This type stands for the mode with allocation formula, allocation parameters and user field category described below. Model portfolio: In this setting, the target portfolio is defined by the holdings and liquidity of a model portfolio to be selected below. Enter the desired portfolio in the "Sample portfolio" input field or search for it using the "Search" icon. The model portfolio is then assigned to the investment agent. Basic configuration: Select this type to configure only the allocation parameters that have nothing to do with defining a target portfolio. These are stored as a configuration for manual ordering or ad hoc reallocation. Examples of this are the rounding scheme or the securities account allocation strategy.
Use the "Allocation formula..." button to switch to the formula editor to define the allocation formula for this investment agent. If necessary, please also read the section Allocation modelwhere you will find an example.
The "Allocation parameters..." button takes you to the settings dialog for the parameters of the allocation formula. This button is available for all users who (only) have the "Configure investment agents" system right and are not allowed to change allocation formulas. If necessary, please also read the section User administration in the administration manual.
Below this, select the desired field from the Field categories user-defined fields created.
Use the "Rounding scheme..." button to define the rounding scheme for this investment agent. Please also read the previous section, where you will find an example of a rounding scheme.
Using the "Securities account allocation formula..." and "Account allocation formula..." buttons, you can use the MM-Talk formula language to define rules for selecting securities accounts and accounts for new purchases, for example, if several securities accounts and accounts exist. Please also read the section Account and securities account allocation formulas.
Assign limits for tolerance deviation from the target weight, slippage and chip set. Descriptions of these sizes can be found in the previous section Investment agents.
Set the next rebalancing date below. By default, the weights are interpreted retroactively to the last scheduled rebalancing date. In this case, the target weights are multiplied by the performance of the value since the target date.
Enter any notes in the "Remarks" field.
If necessary, use the "Delete selected agent" icon to remove selected agents from the list.
Create all other agents in the same way and save the configuration with the "Save" icon or the key combination<CTRL>+<S>. Investment agents created and saved in this way are then available for selection in the properties of portfolios or their portfolio versions or portfolio profiles on the "Investment guidelines" mini-tab and can be assigned to them.
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