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Installation of the server

The installation of the Infront Portfolio Manager does not support Windows profiles. The Infront Portfolio Manager is always installed in the global Windows profile (for all users).

When selecting the <Local directory>, every user can be granted full access (necessary for the user of the software).

The installation creates a program group <Infront/Infront Portfolio Manager 6> so that the application, tools and documentation can later be accessed via the <Infront Portfolio Manager 6> command in the Windows start menu. The actual structure of this start menu depends on the combination of installed components.

The structure of the installed directory structure is shown in the section Directory structure and Windows Registry . There you will also find information on the necessary Windows authorizations for the individual directories.

The installation procedure should be carried out in the following steps:

  1. Log on to the Windows system as a user with administrator authorization.
  2. Start the <setup.exe> program from the program DVD.
  3. Follow the instructions of the installation program.
  4. If you do not want to install the component <Infront Advisory Solution>, select the setup type <User-defined> and deactivate the checkbox "Infront Advisory Solution".

    If you want to install all components including the <Infront Portfolio Manager>, select the setup type &quot;Complete&quot;. All components are installed in the standard directory. If you want to change the target directory, select the "User-defined" setup type and select the desired directory.

  5. Follow the instructions of the installation program.
    Only the basic software for the Portfolio Sync Interface (PSI) is installed with the <Portfolio Sync Interface> component. To be able to use the PSI, an update must first be carried out using the software update wizard before starting. If necessary, read the section Update of the Portfolio Sync Interface.

    The <Infront Advisory Solution> component also only installs the basic software. To use the Infront Advisory Solution, you must first perform an update using the software update wizard before starting.

    If necessary, read the section Update of the Infront Advisory Solution.

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