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Copy owner

You can create a copy of a holder. The object export and import function is used for this.

With the Infront Portfolio Manager, you create a true copy with duplication of all associated portfolios, securities accounts, accounts and transactions. Create such a copy, for example, to try out or simulate something without "damaging" the actual owner. Proceed as follows to create a copy of the owner:

  1. Select the owner in the Explorer.
  2. Then select the command APPLY COPY in the context menu (right mouse button).

    The new owner is created with a new name, e.g. the copy of the owner "Mustermann" is then called owner "Mustermann (1)". You can then change this name using the RENAME command in its context menu. The numbers of the new depot objects are placed in square brackets.


    If the original holder has the holder number 12345678, the copy created is assigned the holder number [12345678]. The same applies to the copied portfolios or custody accounts of the new owner.

    In the account properties of the copy, the account number and IBAN are placed in square brackets [] to avoid problems during import and synchronization via .

Holders that you simply drag to other folders, copy via the COPY command in the context menu or with <CTRL>+<C> behave differently. It is then the same owner in two or more folders, so any changes made always affect the original.

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