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Remove owner from Explorer

If necessary, first search for all instances of the owner using the Explorer search, as it may exist in several folders.

To remove an owner from the display, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the owner to be removed in the Explorer.
  2. Then select the REMOVE command in the context menu of the selected owner or press the <ENTF> key on your keyboard.
  3. If the owner is only in this folder, i.e. if it is the "last instance" of this object, a confirmation prompt appears asking whether it should actually be removed. If you answer this question with the "Remove from Explorer" button, this will only make it "invisible". (If it is removed from the folder without a query, it is located somewhere in Explorer, at least in another folder. You can then search for it using the Explorer search)

The owner has now disappeared from the Explorer, but not from the database. To insert it back into a folder, select it and press the <INSERT> button. Then search for the remote owner using the object search.

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