Configure Infront Advisory Solution for update
Some additional configurations are required for the Infront Advisory Solution. To do this, first start the Infront Portfolio Manager and carry out the following steps:
- Import MME files
- Import WSP file
Carry out the steps described as a user with sufficient authorization for configuration (templates, user-defined fields, etc.).
Please note that some user-defined fields must be imported (files "Consulting process 2 - User-defined fields.mme", "Consulting process 4 - Currency class.mme"). These overwrite any existing or changed user-defined fields with the same names. The "Show file content only" setting allows you to check the content of the files to be imported before the actual object import.
Re 1. Import MME files
- Select the FILE, OBJECT IMPORT command in the ribbon.
- Configure the import in the open "Import objects" worksheet.
- It is not necessary to select a target folder for objects, as no objects are delivered when these MME files are imported.
The import zones for templates, on the other hand, are relevant for the data records to be imported, such as templates and, if applicable, libraries and activity definitions. It is recommended to use a separate template zone for the data of the Infront Advisory Solution.
For more detailed information on visibility and user rights, please refer to the chapter Structure of the user administration and the chapter List of rights.
- Select the "Import..." button and change to the <shared directory> of your installation. In the <updates> folder, you will find a folder with the current version number of the installed Infront Advisory Solution and the prefix "as-". Example: Folder <as-2.xx.x>
- Import the MME files in this folder in the following order:
Basic package.mme
The following files only need to be imported if you have activated the "Infront Advisory Solution Advisory Process" module, as otherwise you will import various unneeded data (e.g. user-defined fields) into your Infront Portfolio Manager.
Consultation process 1 - Activity definitions.mme
Consulting process 2 - User-defined fields.mme
Advisory process 3 - Miscellaneous.mme
Consulting process 4 - Currency class.mme
The file"Advisory process 4 - Currency class.mme" contains the user-defined field "Currency class" and the asset classification "Currency class". The import of this file is only necessary if you are coming from a program version 5.20 (or older) of the Infront Portfolio Manager.
Existing libraries and templates retain their zone assignment if the existing objects are overwritten.
To ensure that the activities are also available to other users, these objects must be moved to a generally visible template zone. You can adjust the authorizations in the Infront Portfolio Manager. The procedure differs for templates and libraries.
If you would like to view the contained files in more detail, activate the "Show file content only" checkbox when importing objects.
Re 2. Import WSP file
- On the "Configuration" tab, select the EDIT WORKSPACE PROFILE command in the "Workspaces" icon menu.
- Select the command WORKSPACE, IMPORT FROM FILE... in the menu of the following dialog box
- In the dialog box, change to the <Shared directory> of your installation. Below the <updates> folder, you will find a folder with the current version number of the installed Infront Advisory Solution and the prefix "as-". Example: Folder <as-2.33.1>
- Import the file Standard web.wsp.
- Then select the WORKSPACE, SAVE AS... command in the menu and select a suitable name for the workspace.
Alternatively, you can simply save the workspace profile under the name "Standard web" using the WORKSPACE, SAVE AS command. However, this will overwrite any existing workspace profile of the same name.
If the workspace profile is saved under a new name, it may then have to be assigned to the corresponding users via the user administration.