Industry analysis
If you would like to find out which sectors the securities in the portfolios are allocated to, open the "Sector analysis" evaluation. The individual sectors and their percentage share in a securities account (or all securities accounts of a holder or a portfolio) are shown here.
The most important columns in detail:
Column | Description |
Industry | The evaluation is grouped according to this column (hidden by default). In addition to the "normal" sectors of automobiles, chemicals or equity funds, liquidity (for accounts) and, if applicable, special investments, forward exchange transactions, loans and fixed-term deposits also appear here. |
Securities | The name of the security. For securities positions for which asset class splitting applies and which are therefore distributed across several rows, you will also see the percentage share of this position (x %) here. If necessary, please also read the sections Parameters of the depot analyses ("Classification" parameter) and Create new asset classification. |
Depot | Name of the securities account in which the security is held. |
Market value | Market value of the respective securities position. For securities positions for which asset class splitting applies and which are therefore distributed across several lines, this value is multiplied by the corresponding weight. |
Share [%] | Percentage share of the respective securities position in the total portfolio. For securities positions for which asset class splitting applies and which are therefore distributed across several lines, this value is multiplied by the corresponding weight. If loans are listed, they have negative values. Taking this into account, the total shares nevertheless add up to 100%. |
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