Import zones and users
Importing zones and users is only possible for users with the "Administrator" system role.
If you have exported user management objects and saved them as MME files as described in the previous section Exporting zones and users , you can also import them back into a current Infront Portfolio Manager.
To import zones and users, proceed in the same way as for importing other objects:
- Select the FILE, OBJECT IMPORT command in the Infront Portfolio Manager ribbon.
The "Import objects" worksheet opens. - Click on the "Import..." button. The "Import file" dialog box opens.
- Double-click to select the MME file with the objects to be imported.
- If there are already objects in your Infront Portfolio Manager that correspond to those in the import file, a new dialog box will appear. Choose between the options "Overwrite" and "Skip":
After the import, the "Import log" shows which objects were imported, renamed or not imported.