Notes on working with documents
Portfolio Service Document Archive" module
As stored documents are linked to the associated object via the object number (group, holder, portfolio, custody account, account or interested party number), the following points, among others, must be observed:
- A document can only be stored if the associated object has a number.
- If an object is deleted, the associated documents are not deleted but remain in the system. Such documents without an assignable object can be deleted from the database using the database tool (provided they have not been uploaded to the postbox).
- If the number of an object is changed, the assignment to its associated documents is lost.
- If another object (of the same type, e.g. holder) with the same number is created after deleting an object or changing the number, these existing documents are then linked to this other object. This applies in particular to the rights to the documents: these then relate to the new object.
- If the same number is assigned more than once (e.g. if there are two holders with the same holder number), it is no longer possible to clearly determine to which of these objects the document belongs. Corresponding documents are only found in the search, for example, if the logged-in user has the "Read documents" right on all objects in question.