Grandfathering and flat-rate withholding tax
The individual purchase tranches of a securities position are listed in the table. It is indicated whether the tranche is subject to grandfathering or not.
You can find the "Portfolio protection and withholding tax" evaluation on the "Income" worksheet, "Portfolio protection and withholding tax" in the workspace of holders or portfolios, for example.
The final withholding tax applies to tranches without grandfathering. In addition, these items are differentiated between shares and other securities due to the separate offsetting of losses.
The "Portfolio protection and withholding tax" report is grouped according to the "Depot" and "Wertpapier" columns, which are hidden by default. The other columns in detail:
Column | Description |
Nominal value | Nominal value of the current portfolio. Any differences to the "Original nominal value" column result from sales in the meantime. |
Original nominal value | Original number/nominal value of the security for this order. |
Course | The items were purchased at this price. |
Acquisition date | The securities position has been held in the custody account since this date. This information is decisive for the tax classification of the item. |
Grandfathering | This column shows whether the tranche is under grandfathering or not. Depending on the acquisition date and security type, the following values are possible:
Tax type | Depending on the acquisition date and security type, the following values are possible:
Current price | The latest price from the database for this security. |
Success not real. | The unrealized gain from this transaction. |