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Functions for field declarations

The "Field declaration" type describes the structure of a data field.


Result: The BooleanIsKindOption function returns "True" if the confirmation mode for Booleans is activated.


Result: The Category function provides the language-dependent category name, the original name is provided under Code.

Fieldtype.DataType→Field data type

Result: The DataType function returns the field data type (number, string, enumeration, Boolean, date, security, folder, weight distribution, memo).


Result: The DateKind function returns the type of date field (date, date/time, time).


Result: The DateMax function returns the maximum value of the field type for fields of type "Date".

Field type.DateMin→Date

Result: The DateMin function returns the minimum value of the field type for fields of type "Date".

Field declaration.description→String

Result: The Description function provides the description of the field.

Field type.description→String

Result: The Description function provides the description of the field type when applied to field types.

Field type.DisplayName→String

Result: The DisplayName function returns the display name of the field type.


Result: The EnumerationID function returns the name (ID) of the enumeration of the field type for fields of type "Enumeration".


Result: The EnumerationList function returns the list of enumeration elements for fields of type "Enumeration".


Result: The EnumerationNullValue function returns the element of the enumeration that corresponds to the "n/a" value.

Field declaration.FieldType→Field type

Result: The FieldType function returns the type of the field.

Field type.IsDateWeekendWarning→Boolean

Result: The IsDateWeekendWarning function returns "True" if the weekend warning for fields of type "Date" is active for the field type.

Field type.IsHistoricized→Boolean

Result: The IsHistoricized function returns "True" if the field is historicized.

Field type.IsMandatory→Boolean

Result: The IsMandatory function returns "True" if the field is mandatory, i.e. the assignment is required.

Field type.IsMultiLanguage→Boolean

Result: The IsMultiLanguage function returns "True" if the field type supports multilingualism for fields of type "Weight distribution", "Enumeration" or "String".

Field type.IsNumberPercent→Boolean

Result: The IsNumberPercent function returns "True" if the field represents a percentage value.

Field type.IsTimeSeconds→Boolean

Result: The IsTimeSeconds function returns "True" if the time is accurate to the second.

Field declaration.IsUserField→Boolean

Result: The IsUserField function returns "True" if the field is a user-defined field.

MakeFieldType[DataType;DisplayName;Mandatory;Historicized;Description;TabOrder]→Field type

Result: The MakeFieldType function returns a field type.

Field type.MemoCharacterLimit→number

Result: The MemoCharacterLimit function returns the character limit for field type "Memo".


Result: The Name function returns the display name of the field as a language-dependent value. The name is designed as an index string, i.e. the name of the field is supplied under Code and the sort index under Index.

Field type.NumberMax→Number

Result: The NumberMax function returns the maximum value of the field type for fields of type "Number".

Field type.NumberMin→Number

Result: The NumberMin function returns the minimum value of the field type for fields of type "Number".

Field type.numberSpin→number

Result: The NumberSpin function returns the spin difference of the field type for fields of type "Number".

Field type.numberVUnit→number

Result: The NumberVUnit function returns the unit of the field type for fields of type "Number".


Result: The SetBooleanParameters function returns the field type.


DateKind (): The date type can be "Date", "Date/time" or "Time".

Result: The SetDateParameters function returns the field type.

Field type.SetDistributionParameters[MultiLanguage]→Field type

Result: The SetDistributionParameters function returns the field type.


EnumerationID (): The name of the ID, no name or "Custom" for self-defined enumerations.

EnumerationList (): The list of individual strings for self-defined enumerations.

Result: The SetEnumerationParameters function returns the field type.

Currently supported EnumerationIDs: Custom, GDTyp, GDTypRed, DMITyp, Currency, KursTypes, ErfolgsIntervalle, Platz, Land, Branche, Emittent, Nennwert, MarktSegment, FondsAnlageschwerpunkt, FondsAnlagoberbegriff, ShellMMTyp, OSTyp, BasisTyp, AusschuettungsTyp, RenditeFormelTyp, PeriodenFormelTyp, SteuerSystem, RatingTyp, AnleiheTyp, ZeroBondTyp, SchatzTyp, ScaleTyp, IntervallTyp, KontoZinsTyp, TransaktionsTyp, InvestmentPlanningTransactionType, InterestIntervalType, PriceType, LimitPriceType, PerformanceCalculationType, TradeStrategyType, PerformanceMode, WPSearchType, PortfolioSegmentType, ReportingFrequency, KickbackType, CorporateActionType, LockType, AssetClassification, CertificateType, RatingAction, ExerciseStyle, BarrierRange, SpeculationType, TimeSeriesConsolidation, OrderStatus, VerificationStatus, EDGRiskClass.

Field type.SetMemoParameters[MemoCharacterLimit]→Field type

Result: The SetMemoParameters function returns the field type.


Result: The SetNumberParameters function returns the field type.


ListOfShellTypes (): Strings (e.g. List("Share")). Other permissible types include "bond", "participation certificate", "fund", "subscription right", "foreign exchange", "future", "option", etc.

Result: The SetShellMMParameters function returns the field type, whereby the corresponding types are added to the list.

Field type.SetStringParameters[MultiLanguage]→Field type

Result: The SetStringParameters function returns the field type.


Result: The TabOrder function returns the tab order of the field type.

UserFieldDeclarations[type]→List(field declaration)

Type (String): The specification of a type on which user-defined fields can be defined, see function As.

Result: The UserFieldDeclarations function returns a list of field declarations for the user-defined fields of the type.

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