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Functions on transactions

In principle, all components of a transaction are contained in one data record per transaction (BookEntry). There is no (longer) a division into bookings and orders. Accrued interest and interim profits are also no longer held in separate orders and postings, but are specified in the transaction.


Result: The AccruedInterestAmount function returns the accrued interest booked with the transaction in trading currency.


Result: The Aggregate function returns the combined transaction.


Result: The AggregateSequenceID function returns the (internal) sequence number of the combined transaction.

BookEntry.AggregateType→Combined transaction type

Result: The AggregateType function returns the combined transaction type - e.g. securities account transfer, foreign exchange transaction, forward exchange transaction.


Result: The AMLComment function provides the Money Laundering Act comment entered for the transaction.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The AMLComplianceComment function provides the Money Laundering Act compliance comment entered for the transaction.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The AMLComplianceDate function provides the date and time of the Money Laundering Act compliance comment for the transaction.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The AMLComplianceStatus function provides the anti-money laundering compliance status of the transaction.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The AMLComplianceUser function returns the Infront Portfolio Manager user who entered the Money Laundering Act compliance comment for the transaction.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The AMLDate function provides the date and time for the Money Laundering Act comment of the transaction.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The AMLUser function returns the Infront Portfolio Manager user who entered the Money Laundering Act comment for the transaction.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The AmountFEX function returns the earmarked amount of the booking for forward exchange transactions.


Result: The AverageHoldingTime function returns the average holding time in days, weighted by nominal value.


Result: The Base function provides the assessment basis of the transaction, i.e. the profit or income relevant for the withholding tax before loss offsetting and before tax deduction in tax currency.


Result: The Batch function returns the batch to which this transaction is assigned.


Result: The BookEntryPrice function returns the price of the transaction.


Result: The BookEntryVolume function returns the nominal value * price / price factor * exchange rate.


Currency (Currency [account currency]).

Result: The BrokersCommission function returns the brokerage fee incurred or booked for the transaction.


Result: The Cancelation function provides an indication of whether the transaction has been canceled or not.


Result: The CashAccount function returns the account of the transaction.


Result: The CashAmount function returns the amount of the transaction in account currency.


Currency (Currency [account currency]).

Result: The Charges function returns the charges incurred or booked for the transaction.


Result: The CloseCountOther function returns the number of securities sold subject to withholding tax (excluding shares).


Result: The CloseCountShares function returns the number of shares sold subject to withholding tax.

BookEntry.ClosingPrice[take expenses into account]→number

Consider expenses (Boolean[True]).

Result: The ClosingPrice function returns the closing price of the transaction.


Result: The Comment function provides the comment on the transaction.


Result: The ContractStartDate function returns the investment date for fixed-term deposits.


Result: The CostElementCurrency function returns the currency of the cost element of the transaction.

Cost service" module


CostSchemePosition (CostSchemePosition).

CostCategory (String): The cost category of the cost item, e.g. "Entry costs".

CostType (String): The cost type of the cost item, e.g. "Internal costs" or "External costs".

CostElement (String): The individual cost item, e.g. "brokerage fee" or "bank charges".

Result: The CostElementValue function returns the value of the cost element of the transaction.

Cost service" module


Result: The CostPositions function returns the assigned CostSchemePosition. Any costs recorded without cost service are also output.

Cost service" module


Result: The CurrencyFees function returns the currency of the charges and fees for the transaction.


Result: The CurrencyTax function returns the currency in which the taxes for the transaction are specified.


Result: The DateChanged function returns the date of the last change to the transaction.


Result: The DateCreated function returns the date on which the transaction was entered.


Result: The DealAmount function returns the market value of the transaction in trading currency. This market value has a trading-side sign and is calculated without interim profits and accrued interest. The market value does not contain any account-side components - i.e. no parts that are only effective on the account without having trading-side counterparts (fees, taxes, etc.).

BookEntry.Depository→Storage location

Result: The Depository function returns the depository of the transaction.


Result: The EntryDate function returns the posting date of the transaction.


Result: The function returns The exchange rate of the transaction from tax currency to account currency.


From currency (currency).

Post-currency (currency).

Result: The ExchangeRateTo function returns the exchange rate of the "From currency" to "To currency". The "from currency" must be the same as the transaction, account, tax or "to currency".


Result: The ExchangeRateTradeCurrency function returns the exchange rate of the transaction from trading currency to account currency.


Result: The EXDate function returns the ex-date of the transaction.


Result: The Exogen function provides an indication of whether or not the "Exogen" property is activated for this transaction (in particular inbound or outbound delivery).


Result: The ExternalSysDate function returns the external transaction date from a backend (Portfolio Sync Interface only).


Currency (Currency [account currency]).

Result: The Fees function returns the bank charges entered for the transaction.


Currency (Currency [account currency]).

Result: The FeeSum function returns the sum of the cash flow-effective parts of the fees for a transaction.


Result: The FutureOpeningPrice function returns the opening price of a future transaction.


Result: The HasSecurity function provides an indication of whether the transaction contains a security or not.


Result: The HistDate function provides the historical (entry) date of the posting, which you enter on the "Historical values" mini-tab on the second page of the "Posting" dialog window when entering a posting.


Result: The HistExchangeRate function returns the historical exchange rate of the transaction (delivery).


Result: The HistInterimProfit function provides the historical interim profit of a (fund) deposit.


Result: The HistPrice function returns the historical price of the transaction.


Result: The Holding function supplies the stock.


Result: The HoldingNotConservedOther function returns the portfolio of securities (except shares) that are not subject to grandfathering and are therefore subject to withholding tax.


Result: The HoldingNotConservedShares function returns the number of shares that are not protected and are therefore subject to withholding tax.


Result: The ID function returns the unique database ID of the transaction.


Result: The IndexRatio function returns the index ratio for transactions on index-linked bonds.


Result: The InterestRate function provides the interest rate of the transaction - e.g. when investing fixed-term deposits or taking out loans.


Result: The function returns The interest calculation method (period formula type).


Result: The InterestType function returns the name of the interface (Portfolio Sync Interface) that has been imported.


Result: The InterimProfit function returns the interim profit of the (fund) transaction booked with the transaction in trading currency.


Result: The InverseInterestLogic function specifies whether the logic should be evaluated in reverse. Concerns, for example, interim profits, accrued interest or income-related expenses.


Result: The IsClosing function provides an indication of whether the transaction is a closing or not. It provides "truth" for closings.


Result: The ISKupon function provides an indication of whether the transaction is a coupon or not. It delivers "true" for coupons.


Result: The KESt function returns the capital gains tax in tax currency.


Currency (Currency [account currency]).

Result: The Kickback function provides information on the reimbursement incurred during the transaction or entered under "Charges and fees".


Currency (Currency [account currency]).

Result: The KickbackCashflowEffective function provides the cashflow-effective refund incurred in the transaction or entered under "Expenses and fees".


Result: The KiSt function provides the church tax in tax currency.


Result: The KiStPartner function provides the church tax of the spouse in tax currency.


Result: The KoSt function provides the corporation tax in tax currency.


Result: The LastOpening function returns the date of the last purchase.


Result: The Lock function returns the lock assigned to this transaction.


Result: The LongShort function provides the long (short) flag for options and futures transactions.


Result: The MaturityDate function returns the maturity date of the transaction.


Result: The MMUser function returns the user who made the last change to the transaction.


Result: The OpeningBookEntries function provides the openings for this transaction.


Result: The OrderBookEntry function returns the order book entry associated with the transaction.


PAIMetric (PAIMetric|String).

Date (date [evaluation date]).

Result: The PAIReferenceDate function returns the PAI reference date.


PAIMetric (PAIMetric|String).

Date (date [evaluation date]).

Result: The PAIValue function returns the most recent value of the PAI indicator for the security on the date.


Result: The PoolingFactor function returns the pool factor of the (pool factor bond) transaction.


Currency (Currency [account currency]).

Result: The PriceLoad function returns the issue premium for the transaction.

BookEntry.Profit[Consider expense;Position currency;Reference currency;Since;Historical;Cost calculation type]→Number

Consider expenses (Boolean[True]).

Position currency (currency [trading currency]): The position currency in which the calculation is made.

Reference currency (currency [account currency]): The reference currency in which the profit is stated.

Since (date): If a date is specified via this parameter, the profit is not determined in relation to the cost price, but according to a "since" valuation.

Historical (Boolean [False]): If this parameter is set to "True", the "historical" price information is taken into account for deliveries.

Cost calculation type (cost calculation type [average]): This parameter changes the way in which the purchase prices are calculated ("average" or "FIFO").

Result: The Profit function returns the profit (price gain + foreign exchange gain) calculated for the transaction depending on the parameter "Cost calculation type" ("FIFO" or "Average").

BookEntry.ProfitExchange[Consider expense;Position currency;Reference currency;Since;Historical;Cost calculation type]→Number

Consider expenses (Boolean[True]).

Position currency (currency [trading currency]): The position currency in which the calculation is made.

Reference currency (currency [account currency]): The reference currency in which the profit is stated.

Since (date): If a date is specified via this parameter, the profit is not determined in relation to the cost price, but according to a "since" valuation.

Historical (Boolean [False]): If this parameter is set to "True", the "historical" price information is taken into account for deliveries.

Cost calculation type (cost calculation type [average]): This parameter changes the way in which the purchase prices are calculated ("average" or "FIFO").

Result: The ProfitExchange function returns the foreign exchange profit of the transaction.

BookEntry.ProfitOther[Consider expenses;Position currency;Reference currency;Since]→Number

Consider expenses (Boolean[True]).

Position currency (currency [trading currency]): The position currency in which the calculation is made.

Reference currency (currency [account currency]): The reference currency in which the profit is stated.

Since (date): If a date is specified via this parameter, the profit is not determined in relation to the cost price, but according to a "since" valuation.

Result: The ProfitOther function returns the profit after withholding tax (securities other than shares) of the transaction.

BookEntry.ProfitPercentage[Consider expense;Position currency;Reference currency;Since;Historical;Cost calculation type]→Number

Consider expenses (Boolean[True]).

Position currency (currency [trading currency]): The position currency in which the calculation is made.

Reference currency (currency [account currency]): The reference currency in which the profit is stated.

Since (date): If a date is specified via this parameter, the profit is not determined in relation to the cost price, but according to a "since" valuation.

Historical (Boolean [False]): If this parameter is set to "True", the "historical" price information is taken into account for deliveries.

Cost calculation type (cost calculation type [average]): This parameter changes the way in which the purchase prices are calculated ("average" or "FIFO").

Result: The ProfitPercentage function returns the percentage profit of the transaction.

BookEntry.ProfitPrice[Consider expense;Position currency;Reference currency;Since;Historical;Cost calculation type]→Number

Consider expenses (Boolean[True]).

Position currency (currency [trading currency]): The position currency in which the calculation is made.

Reference currency (currency [account currency]): The reference currency in which the profit is stated.

Since (date): If a date is specified via this parameter, the profit is not determined in relation to the cost price, but according to a "since" valuation.

Historical (Boolean [False]): If this parameter is set to "True", the "historical" price information is taken into account for deliveries.

Cost calculation type (cost calculation type [average]): This parameter changes the way in which the purchase prices are calculated ("average" or "FIFO").

Result: The ProfitPrice function returns the price profit of the transaction.

BookEntry.ProfitShares[Consider expenses;Position currency;Reference currency;Since]→Number

Consider expenses (Boolean[True]).

Position currency (currency [trading currency]): The position currency in which the calculation is made.

Reference currency (currency [account currency]): The reference currency in which the profit is stated.

Since (date): If a date is specified via this parameter, the profit is not determined in relation to the cost price, but according to a "since" valuation.

Result: The ProfitShares function returns the profit after withholding tax (shares) of the transaction.

BookEntry.PurchasePrice[Consider expense;Position currency;Reference currency;Since;Historical;Purchase price calculation type]→Number

Consider expenses (Boolean[True]).

Position currency (currency [trading currency]): The position currency in which the calculation is made.

Reference currency (currency [account currency]): The reference currency in which the profit is stated.

Since (date): If a date is specified via this parameter, the profit is not determined in relation to the cost price, but according to a "since" valuation.

Historical (Boolean [False]): If this parameter is set to "True", the "historical" price information is taken into account for deliveries.

Cost calculation type (cost calculation type [average]): This parameter changes the way in which the purchase prices are calculated ("average" or "FIFO").

Result: The PurchasePrice function returns:

For transactions that are not a closing: the purchase price, which is calculated according to the selected "cost price calculation method".

For closings: the buy price associated with this closing. With "FIFO", the price and foreign exchange gain is not calculated against the average purchase price (as with "average"), but against the oldest units in the portfolio. The function returns the purchase price of these pieces.

BookEntry.PurchasePriceAfter[Consider expense;Position currency;Reference currency;Since;Historical;Purchase price calculation type]→Number

Consider expenses (Boolean[True]).

Position currency (currency [trading currency]): The position currency in which the calculation is made.

Reference currency (currency [account currency]): The reference currency in which the profit is stated.

Since (date): If a date is specified via this parameter, the profit is not determined in relation to the cost price, but according to a "since" valuation.

Historical (Boolean [False]): If this parameter is set to "True", the "historical" price information is taken into account for deliveries.

Cost calculation type (cost calculation type [average]): This parameter changes the way in which the purchase prices are calculated ("average" or "FIFO").

Result: The PurchasePriceAfter function returns the purchase price after the transaction. In the case of closings, the buy price of the non-closed partial position is delivered.

BookEntry.PurchasePriceBefore[Consider expense;Position currency;Reference currency;Since;Historical;Purchase price calculation type]→Number

Consider expenses (Boolean[True]).

Position currency (currency [trading currency]): The position currency in which the calculation is made.

Reference currency (currency [account currency]): The reference currency in which the profit is stated.

Since (date): If a date is specified via this parameter, the profit is not determined in relation to the cost price, but according to a "since" valuation.

Historical (Boolean [False]): If this parameter is set to "True", the "historical" price information is taken into account for deliveries.

Cost calculation type (cost calculation type [average]): This parameter changes the way in which the purchase prices are calculated ("average" or "FIFO").

Result: The PurchasePriceBefore function returns the purchase price calculated before the transaction, depending on the parameter "Purchase price calculation type" ("FIFO" or "Average").


Result: The Quantity function returns the number of securities in the transaction as a quantity or nominal value.


Currency (Currency [account currency]).

Result: The RedemptionFee function provides the amount of the redemption fee entered for a sale transaction in account currency.


Currency (Currency [account currency]).

Result: The Royalties function returns the foreign charges or the foreign charges of the transaction in account currency.


Result: The SafeKeepingAccount function provides the securities account of the (securities) transaction.


Currency (Currency [account currency]).

Result: The SalesDiscount function returns the bonus entered for the transaction.


Result: The Security function provides the security affected by the transaction.


Result: The SolZ function provides the solidarity surcharge in tax currency.


Result: The SpecialAsset function provides the special asset (time deposit, loan, forward exchange transaction or margin) assigned to the transaction, if applicable.


Currency (Currency [account currency]).

Result: The StampTax function returns the stamp duty for the transaction.


Result: The subrogation function indicates whether the profit is taxable when it is delivered.


Result: The TaxLiquidity function provides the tax liquidity of a security income (for accumulating funds).


Currency (currency [tax currency]).

Result: The TaxSum function returns the sum of the cash flow-effective parts of the taxes of a transaction. The purely informative taxes are not included.


Result: The TaxTranches function provides the tax tranches of the transaction.


Result: The TradeCurrency function returns the trading currency of the transaction.


Result: The TradingPlace function provides the trading place for the transaction.


Result: The TransactionNumber function provides the unique external transaction number of the transaction (e.g. from a PSI Transaction Data).


Result: The TransactionType function returns the transaction type of the transaction - e.g. purchase, cash deposit, delivery...


Result: The TransactionWPs function provides the list of all securities booked as part of the transaction data.


Result: The ValueDate function returns the value date of the transaction.


Currency (Currency [account currency]).

Result: The VAT function returns the VAT of the transaction.


Result: The WITF function returns the sum of creditable and refundable withholding tax in tax currency.


Result: The WITR function returns the refundable withholding tax in tax currency.


Result: The WITV function supplies the notional withholding tax in tax currency.


Result: The WrittenByInterface function provides an indication of whether this transaction was entered via a Portfolio Sync Interface or not.


Result: The ZASt function supplies the interest income tax in tax currency.

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