Functions on QuotaRestrictionPosition
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The Position
function provides the position of the restricted securities item on the evaluation date in units or nominal.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The Valuation object
function returns the portfolio to which the restriction item belongs.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
PAIMetric (PAIMetric|String).
Date (date [evaluation date]).
Result: The PAIReferenceDate
function returns the PAI reference date.
PAIMetric (PAIMetric|String).
Date (date [evaluation date]).
Result: The PAIValue
function returns the most recent value of the PAI indicator for the security on the date.
Result: The TA_KurswertAnteil
function returns the share of the market value of the restriction position in the planned assets (i.e. current assets less planned expenses and withdrawals plus deposits).
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The TA_KurswertVerkaufCum
function returns the position value including accrued interest and interim profit in position currency. If the position originates from a securities account valuation with the "Consider sales charges" parameter activated, then reduced by charges.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The TA_WechselkursVerkauf
function returns the exchange rate from the evaluation currency to the item currency on the evaluation date.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The WP
function returns the security to which the restriction position relates.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"