Functions on PositionRestriction
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The Comment
function provides the (current) comment on this restriction.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The History
function provides the comment history stored in the database for this restriction.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The IsProcessed
function returns "True" if the restriction is already marked as "Processed" and "False" if it is not.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The IsViolated
function returns "True" if the restriction is violated on the evaluation date and "False" if it is not violated.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The MMUser
function returns the name of the user who made the last change to the restriction comment or who last set the "Edited" indicator.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The Name
function returns the name of the restriction.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The ValidFrom
function returns the date from which (including) the comment is valid.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The ValidTo
function returns the date up to (and including) which the comment is valid.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The WasViolatedOnComment
function returns "True" if the restriction was violated at the time the comment was entered, and "False" if it was not violated.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"