Functions on portfolio segments
Result: The AdditionalEndogenousTaxes
function returns the taxes charged as endogenous in this segment based on the performance component configuration in the performance calculation.
Result: The AdditionalExogenousFees
function returns the fees charged as exogenous in this segment based on the performance component configuration in the performance calculation.
Result: The AllocationContribution
function provides the allocation contribution to the performance surplus of the portfolio segment.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"→Date
Result: The Date
function returns the evaluation date of the evaluation.
Result: The securities account
function returns the securities account of the associated position if the parameter <portfolio segment type> = position.
PortfolioSegment.foreign exchange gain→number
Result: The foreign exchange gain
function provides the cumulative unrealized foreign exchange gain in valuation currency (without exchange rate gain).
Result: The Foreign Exchange GainRealized
function provides the total realized foreign exchange gain of the segment's positions in valuation currency.
Result: The Total income
function provides the cumulative gross income (income from securities and account interest).
Result: The TotalGain
function returns the sum of the (unrealized) gains of all securities positions in the portfolio segment (price-purchase price) on the evaluation date in the evaluation currency. The profit that would be realized if all positions were closed out on the evaluation date.
Result: The TotalProfitRealized
function provides the total profit realized (from sales) for the items in the segment in measurement currency.
Result: The WeightCurrent
function provides the current weight of the segment in the overall rating (percentage based on 1).
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The WeightBenchmark
function returns the weight of the benchmark segment (percentage based on 1).
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The WeightAverage
function returns the average weight of the segment during the time period. This is calculated as the sum over all periods of (weight of the segment at the start of the period * period length in days) / total length in days.
The number of days is calculated depending on the setting of the "Calculate average available capital on trading days (otherwise calendar days)" checkbox on the "Securities account" tab in the general settings.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The price gain
function provides the cumulative unrealized price gain in valuation currency (excluding foreign exchange gain).
Result: The Realized price gain
function provides the total realized price gain of the segment's positions in valuation currency.
Result: The Name
function returns the name of the portfolio segment.
Result: The PerformanceContribution
function provides the performance contribution of the segment to the overall valuation (percentage based on 1).
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The PerformanceBenchSeries
function provides the performance contribution of the benchmark segment to the overall performance of the benchmark (percentage based on 1).
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The function provides the time series of the weighted performance of the benchmark segments.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The PerformanceSeries
function provides the time series of the weighted performance of the segment.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The performance surplus
function provides the difference between the segment performance of the portfolio and the benchmark.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The PerformanceUnweighted
function provides the unweighted performance of the segment. This function replaces the contribution/weight calculation in the "Performance attribution" evaluation.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The PerformanceUnweightedBenchmark
function provides the unweighted performance of the benchmark at the time of evaluation.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The PerformanceUnweightedBenchSeries
function provides the time series of the unweighted performance of the benchmark segments.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The PerformanceUnweightedSeries
function provides the time series of the unweighted performance of the segment.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The residual contribution
function returns the residual contribution to the performance surplus of the portfolio segment (interaction term).
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The Segmentation
function returns the portfolio segment type as a string, e.g. "Asset class" or "Position".
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The SelectionContribution
function provides the selection contribution to the performance surplus of the portfolio segment.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The Start date
function returns the start date of the evaluation.
Result: The Currency
function provides the evaluation currency (of the underlying securities account valuation).
PortfolioSegment.WeightBenchSeries→Time series
Result: The WeightBenchSeries
function provides the time series of the weights of the benchmark segments in relation to the entire portfolio.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The WeightSeries
function provides the time series of the segment's weights in relation to the entire portfolio.
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Result: The WP
function returns the security of the associated position if the parameter <portfolio segment type> = position.