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Functions on OrderInformation

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"

OrderInformation.BlockOrderType→Block order type

Result: The BlockOrderType function returns the block order type of the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The BonusPayments function provides the bonus for the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The Broker function returns the broker of the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The DebitAccount function returns the debit account of the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"

OrderInformation.ExecutionOption→Order execution type

Result: The ExecutionOption function returns the trading option of the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"

OrderInformation.ExpirationType→Order expiration type

Result: The ExpirationType function returns the order expiration type of the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The ExpirationDate function returns the expiry date of the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: Orders originating from an online order book are marked in the order book. The IsOnlineOrder function returns "True" if it is an online order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The IssueSurchargeKickback function returns the issue surcharge or kickback of the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The LimitInfos function returns the limit information from the limit definition of the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"

OrderInformation.LimitType→Order limit type

Result: The LimitType function returns the order limit type from the limit definition of the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The OrderLimit function returns the limit amount from the limit definition of the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The OrderStop function returns the stop value from the limit definition of the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The OrderTrailingDelta function returns the trailing delta from the limit definition of the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The ManagedOrder function returns "True" if an order is marked as a "managed order".

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The MarketMode function returns the trading mode of the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The NetInvoice function indicates whether the invoice is a net invoice.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The OrderCurrency function returns the currency of the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The OrderDiscount function returns the discount of the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The Orderer function returns the client number of the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The OrderNumber function returns the external order number of the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The OrderSource function returns the program with which the order was generated, i.e. Infront Portfolio Manager ("pm") or Infront Advisory Solution ("as") or "n/a" if the order cannot be assigned.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The PlaceOfTrade function returns the trading place of the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"

OrderInformation. Remark→String

Result: The Remark function provides the first remark for the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"

OrderInformation. Remark2→String

Result: The Remark2 function provides the second remark for the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"

OrderInformation. Remark3→String

Result: The Remark3 function provides the third remark for the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"

OrderInformation. Remark4→String

Result: The Remark4 function provides the fourth remark for the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"

OrderInformation. Remark5→String

Result: The Remark5 function provides the fifth remark for the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The SubmissionAt function returns the time at which the order was placed.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The WithRBICharges function checks whether these charges are included in the order.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"

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