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Functions on limits


Result: The Remark function returns the limit field "Remark".→Date

Result: The Date function returns the start date for the limit.


Result: The Securities account function returns the securities account to which the limit is assigned.

Limit.purchase price→number

Result: The Cost price function returns the cost price that was entered for the limit.


Result: The IsAtStockExchange function provides an indicator as to whether the limit has been placed on the stock exchange.


Result: The IsShortLimit function provides an indicator for limits on short positions.

Limitrate type→Limit rate type

Result: The Rate type function returns the rate type to which the limit refers.


Result: The runtime function returns the runtime of the limit. This results from the start date of the limit plus validity.


Result: The Limit function returns the limit itself.


Result: The Loss function returns the loss value of the limit as a percentage (basis 1).


Date (date).

Result: The LossAbsolut function returns the loss as an absolute price value on<date>, i.e. the maximum (minimum for short limits) of the close prices since the limit start date minus the loss.


Date (date).

Result: The Loss date function returns the start date of the loss limit on<date>. The date of the maximum of the close prices starting at <date>. (For short limits of the minimum)


Result: The LossExt function provides an indicator as to whether the progression of the loss limit is progressive (compound interest).


Result: The LossProgression function returns the progression of the loss limit as a percentage (base 1).


Date (date).

Result: The Stop function returns the stop value as an absolute price value on<date>.


Result: The StopExt function provides an indicator as to whether the progression of the stop limit is progressive (compound interest).


Result: The StopInitial function returns the stop value of the limit as a percentage (base 1).


Result: The StopProgression function returns the progression of the stop limit as a percentage (base 1).


Result: The Currency function returns the currency in which the limit is valued.


Result: The WP function returns the security to which the limit relates.→number

Result: The Target function returns the target value of the limit. If none is defined, then "n/a".

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