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Functions on investment modules

Portfolio Service Rebalancing" or "Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module

Investment modules are created in the system via user interfaces and populated with securities. The following functions can be used for read access to this database.

InvestmentModule.AddPosition[security;weight;alternative instruments]→InvestmentModule

Security (security).

Weight (number).

Alternative instruments (list(securities)): This parameter provides the list of alternative securities for the security.

Result: The AddPosition function returns the investment module with the corresponding additional securities position.

Portfolio Service Rebalancing" or "Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module


Result: The BaseWeight function returns the nominal weight total if this has been explicitly configured, otherwise the real weight total. For normalized modules, this 1.

Portfolio Service Rebalancing" or "Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module


Result: The parameterless function IAModuleList provides the list of all globally defined investment modules in the system.

Portfolio Service Rebalancing" or "Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module


BaseWeight (number[0]): If 0, the total weight of the items is used as the basis.

Classification (string): Name of the allocation classification.

Weight distribution: Weights of the allocation classes.

Result: The MakeModule function provides the positionless investment module with the corresponding properties.

Portfolio Service Rebalancing" or "Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module


Result: The SecurityItems function provides the list of security items in an investment module.

Portfolio Service Rebalancing" or "Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module

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