Functions for interested parties
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Interested party.AllPersonLinks
[level only]→List(person link)
OnlyLevel (Boolean[False]): If this parameter is "True", only the links at the "Interested party" level are delivered. This parameter has no influence on interested parties, as only one level is currently possible (an interested party has neither an account nor a securities account...).
Result: The AllPersonLinks
function returns all person links of the interested party (across all times). The function therefore returns the currently valid personal links of the interested party, but also the personal links that were previously valid and, if applicable, those that are not yet valid (contracts that have been concluded but are not yet in progress).
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Interested party.LastContactOn→Date
Result: The LastContactOn
function returns the date of the last contact with the interested party from the interested party properties.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Interested party.personLinks
[date;level only]→List(person links)
Date (Date[Current date]).
OnlyLevel (Boolean[False]): If this parameter is "True", only the links at the "Interested party" level are delivered. This parameter has no influence on interested parties, as only one level is currently possible (an interested party has neither an account nor a securities account...).
Result: The PersonLinks
function returns the list of all person links of the interested party for<date>.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
Result: The ProspectList
function provides the list of all prospects visible to the user.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
ProspectStatus→Prospect status
Result: The ProspectStatus
function provides the status of the prospect.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module
ProspectValuation→Prospect evaluation
Result: The ProspectValuation
function provides the evaluation of the prospect.
"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module