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Functions on groups

The functions described here for groups also work for depot filters and depot sub-filters.→String

Result: The Name function returns the name of the group.


Result: The Depot function returns the list of all securities accounts of holders from the group.→Group

Result: The Group function returns the group itself.


Result: The GroupNumber function returns the group number from the group master data.


Result: The Identifier function returns a character string for external identification of the group, which corresponds to the group number.


Result: The Owner function returns the list of all owners in the group.


Result: The Account function returns the list of all accounts of owners from the group.→String

Result: The Name function returns the name of the group.


Result: The Portfolio function provides the list of all portfolios of holders from the group.


Result: The VerificationDateTotal function returns the date of verification of the total data status of the group. The most recent date of the (individual) data status under consideration is used.


Result: The VerificationStatusTotal function provides the total data status of all holders, securities accounts and accounts in the group. The overall data status can only ever be as good as the worst of the (individual) data statuses under consideration.


Result: The Currency function provides the default evaluation currency for groups.

The remaining functions on groups can be found in the higher-level chapters Functions on depot objects and Functions on securities accounts, holders, groups.

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