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Functions on securities account income


Result: The Base object function returns the base object for the securities account yield determination.


Result: The Yield_Transactions function returns a list of Yield_Transaction objects.

Deposit income.totaldividend→number

Result: The TotalDividend function provides the taxable portion of the dividend payments accumulated across all income_transactions.

Deposit income.totalDividendTaxable→Number

Result: The TotalDividendTaxable function provides the cumulative dividend payments across all income_transactions.

Total returnon securitiesaccount→Number

Result: The TotalRevenue function returns the cumulative gross revenue for all revenue_transactions.

Deposit income.totalincomegross→number

Result: The TotalGrossRevenue function provides the cumulative gross revenues for all revenue_transactions (depending on the category).

Total fund distributions→Number

Result: The Total fund distributions function provides the cumulative fund distributions across all income_transactions.

Total fund distributionsTaxable→Number

Result:The TotalFundDistributionsTaxable function returns the taxable portion of the fund distributions accumulated across all income_transactions.


Result: The Total withholding tax function returns the withholding tax accumulated across all income_transactions.


Result: The TotalKickbackCashflowEffective function returns the total of the values entered in the " Kickback cash flow effective" field for purchases.


Result: The TotalKickbackCashflowEffectiveTaxable function returns the taxable portion from the values entered in the "Reimbursement cash flow effective" field for purchases.

Deposit income.totalKiSt→number

Result: The Total church tax function provides the cumulative church tax.


Result: The TotalKiStPartner function returns the cumulative church tax of the spouse.

Deposit income.totalcoSt→number

Result: The TotalCoSt function returns the cumulativeCoSt for all income_transactions.

Total limit fees→Number

Result: The TotalLimitFees function returns the cumulative limit fees for all income_transactions.

Deposit income.totalNeutral→number

Result: The TotalNeutral function provides the cumulative postings from the "Neutral posting" transaction type.

Deposit income.totalQStCreditable→number

Result: The TotalQStCreditable function returns the creditable withholding tax accumulated across all income_transactions.

Deposit income.totalQStRefundable→number

Result: The TotalQStRefundable function returns the cumulative refundable withholding tax across all income_transactions.

Deposit income.totalQStFictive→number

Result: The TotalQStFiktiv function returns the notional withholding tax accumulated across all income_transactions.

Deposit income.totalreimbursements→number

Result: The Total refunds function returns the total of all refunds, i.e. "Credit refund" + "Refund security".

Deposit income.totalReimbursementsTaxable→Number

Result: The TotalReimbursementsTaxable function returns the total of all taxable reimbursements, i.e. the taxable portion from "Credit reimbursement" + "Securities reimbursement".

Depot yield.totalSolZ→number

Result: The TotalSolZ function returns the cumulative SolZ for all income_transactions.

Total other income→Number

Result: The TotalOtherIncome function provides the cumulative income and expenses from the transaction types "Other income", "Tax refund", "Tax charge" and "Flat-rate transaction costs".


Result: The TotalOtherIncomeTaxable function provides the taxable portion of the accumulated other income and expenses.

Deposit income.totaltaxes→number

Result: The TotalTaxes function provides the cumulative total of taxes affecting cash flow across all income_transactions: Capital gains tax, creditable withholding tax, refundable withholding tax, interest income tax, solidarity surcharge, church tax and partner's church tax.

Total tax creditable→Number

Result: The TotalTaxCreditable function provides the cumulative total of capital gains tax, corporation tax, creditable withholding tax (excluding refundable withholding tax), interest income tax, solidarity surcharge, church tax and the partner's church tax.


Result: The Total option writer income function provides the cumulative premiums and advertising costs for option writer transactions.

Total retained earnings→Number

Result: The Total accumulated function provides the cumulative accumulated income.

Deposit income.totalSold→number

Result: The TotalSold function provides the cumulative capital gain under withholding tax (excluding share gains).


Result: The TotalSoldShares function returns the cumulative gain on the sale of shares under withholding tax.

Total advertising costs→Number

Result: The Total advertising costs function provides the cumulative advertising costs across all income_transactions, consisting of the transaction types "Advertising costs", "Custody fees", "Asset management fees" and "Stamp duty".

Deposit income.totalZASt→number

Result: The function TotalASt returns the cumulated ZASt for all income_transactions.

Total interest income→Number

Result: The TotalInterest function provides the cumulative interest payments across all income_transactions.

Total interest taxable→Number

Result: The TotalInterestTaxable function provides the taxable portion of the interest payments accumulated across all income_transactions.

Deposit income.totalinterimprofitpaid→number

Result: The TotalInterimProfitPaid function determines the interim profit share from the total interest. The word "paid" actually only refers to the interim profits paid and received on purchases and sales (or deliveries and receipts, etc.), but not to the interim profit share of distributions - this is not included in this total.


Result: The tax assessment function provides a list of tax calculation line objects that can be combined to form a tax assessment.

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