Functions on date values
Quantity (number).
Result: The AddMonths
function returns the date in the future or, if the number is negative, in the past.
Quantity (number).
Result: The AddWorkingDays
function returns the date in the future that is offset by the number of working days or, if the number is negative, in the past.
Quantity (number).
Result: The AddYears
function returns the date in the future that is a number of years away or, if the number is negative, in the past.
Result: The Date
function returns the date that corresponds to day.month.year. If a value beyond the normal range limits is transferred for <month> or <day>, the year or month number is shifted accordingly.→number
Result: The Day
function returns the day portion of a date: 1...31.
Result: The DayOfWeek
function returns the day of the week of a date: 0=Monday ... 6=Sunday.
Date (Date[Current date]).
Result: The EvaluationDate
function provides the evaluation date, which is defined by the context of an evaluation and which you can enter for all templates of a workspace via the "Evaluation date" input field on the "Start" tab.
Every MM-Talk function that has an "Evaluation date" parameter accesses this function as the default date.
Date (Date[Current date]).
Result: The EvaluationStartDate
function returns the start date of the evaluation if such a date is required in addition to the EvaluationDate
, i.e. if the evaluation takes place over a time interval.
Date.start of half-year→Date
Result: The function Start of half-year
returns the date of the start of the half-year before the transferred date.
Result: The Today
function returns the current evaluation date.
Result: The Hour
function provides the hour of the time on a 24-hour basis.
Result: The Start of year
function returns the date of the start of the year before the transferred date.
Result: The Max
function returns the larger of the two date values, i.e. the more recent date.
Result: The Min
function returns the smaller of the two date values, i.e. the date that is longer ago.
Result: The Minus
function returns the date minus n days.
Result: The Minute
function returns the minute of the time.
Result: The Minutes
function returns the time in minutes.
Result: The Start of month
function returns the date of the beginning of the month before the transferred date.
Result: The Month
function returns the month portion of a date: 1...12.
Until (date).
Result: The MonthsBetween
function returns the number of months between two date values. If necessary, a fractional value is supplied.
Result: The Now
function provides the current date and time according to the calculator clock.
Result: The Plus
function returns the date plus n days.
Result: The Start of quarter
function returns the date of the start of the quarter before the transferred date.
Result: The Second
function returns the second of the time.
Result: The SysDate
function returns the current system time.
Result: The Time
function returns the time as a fraction of days, which corresponds to Hour:Minute:Second.
Result: The Ultimo
function returns the last day of the month.
Until (date).
Result: The WeeksBetween
function returns the number of weeks between two date values. If necessary, a fractional value is supplied.
Result: The start of week
and weekend
functions return the corresponding date before or after the transferred date.
Result: The WorkingDayNext
and WorkingDayPrev
functions round a date to Monday-Friday, whereby the following Monday is delivered for Saturday and Sunday and the previous Friday for WorkingDayPrev
Until (date).
Result: The WorkingDaysBetween
function returns the number of working days between two date values.
Result: The Year
function returns the year portion of a date.
Until (date).
Result: The YearsBetween
function returns the number of years between two date values. If necessary, a fractional value is supplied.
Date.interest days
[optional: End date;Period formula]→number
End date (Date[Current date]): The date up to which the interest days are calculated.
Period formula (period formula [act/act (ISMA-251)]): The type of period formula.
Result: The Interest days
function returns the number of interest days.
Please note that the end date is not part of the calculation by default. If you calculate the number of interest days for an interval, the first day of the interval is counted (by default) and the last day is not.